Year 8 Geography Visits Bridgewater on Loddon

Year 8 Geography is currently studying Riverine landscapes and the impact of flooding on people and places. As part of this study, 140 students and 11 teachers ventured out to Bridgewater on Loddon to complete a fieldwork investigation. 


Our students were fortunate to have the expertise of the students and teachers from Bridgewater Primary School to assist on the day. Bridgewater Primary is involved with the River Detectives program and visits the Loddon River regularly to collect water samples and look at the health of the river. They shared their experience with our Year 8 students and impressed us all with their knowledge and understanding of the river ecosystem and people’s roles in maintaining a healthy river system.


During the excursion students tested the pH, conductivity and turbidity of the river at three key locations. They also investigated how the recent flooding has changed the landscape and what flooding management strategies are already in place for flood mitigation. Students will now prepare a fieldwork report which will propose additional strategies that could be used to further minimise damage from flooding of the Loddon River. 


The Humanities Department at Girton looks forward to working with Bridgewater Primary School in the future to continue to monitor the health of our local waterways and foster collaboration in our community. If you would like to know more about the River Detectives Program, please check it out online at


Please enjoy the following accounts from some of the students in attendance on the day:


On the 15th of March the Year 8s went to Bridgewater for a Geography excursion. It was really fun listening to and learning from the students at Bridgewater Primary. We spent most of the day walking around the main part of the river, discussing and drawing what we saw and how it's been affected by the recent floods. Using that information, we are currently putting together a fieldwork report! My personal favourite was lunch at the Bridgewater Bakery. Overall, it was a super fun day and everyone had a great time.  

Sarah Crowley, 8 Jones (8C)


On March 15th, the Girton Year 8 cohort had a trip to Bridgewater, all six Year 8 classes got split into groups, and after a long talk from the teachers and a presentation from Mr Whitsed the excitement was getting high as we got onto the buses. The bus trip was a short but noisy 30-minute drive. We got to Bridgewater and were met by the Bridgewater Primary School. The school consisted of 10 students and 2 teachers. After we heard a talk from the head teacher we started walking in our designated groups. Each group had the task of walking to a water site and testing the water with the help of the Bridgewater Primary School. After we walked throughout Bridgewater, we were met with a Bridgewater Bakery lunch that lived up to the hype and hit the spot after a long day.  

Hamish Worme, 8 Aherne (8H)


Last Wednesday all the Year 8 students travelled to Bridgewater. We left around 9:30 am and got back around 2:15 pm. Throughout the day we tested the health of the river system and met with Bridgewater Primary School. Bridgewater Primary come regularly to test the water and identify things like tadpoles and shrimp in the river. It was a great experience and we hope that we can meet with Bridgewater Primary again!  

Amalia Rahmani, 8 Aherne (8D)


The Year 8 Geography Team

Mrs Naughton, Ms Cole, Mr Smeelie, Mr Whitsed