From the Principal

In August, Girton Grammar School shared its Strategic Plan 2023-2028 with the School community. This five-year strategy is a reflection of our commitment to meeting the ever-changing needs and aspirations of our students and staff through targeted investments in people, time, and resources. As we continue to strive for excellence, our aim is to nurture an environment that fosters growth, development, and continual improvement, one where every student has the opportunity to achieve their best.


2022 Stakeholder Feedback Report

In this edition of eLink, we have included a report on the results of the 2022 LEAD Survey and Principal’s Focus Groups, which provided Girton students, parents, and staff with avenues to share their ideas and suggestions about our School. This report can be accessed via the button below, and outlines a number of common feedback themes that have also prompted action in our 12-month Implementation Plan. 



While it was not feasible to include every item of feedback in this report, I must emphasise that every opportunity and challenge raised by our School community is always valued and taken into account. I truly appreciate the time our community members have committed to sharing their views and will continue to seek input for the betterment of our School.


As we race towards the end of Term 1, our 2023 Implementation Plan is now well underway. I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the progress of three of our key 2023 projects so far. 


School LOTE Program

Girton has a longstanding reputation for providing high-quality language education, with significant investment in teaching a language other than English (LOTE) from a young age. All Girton students must study both Japanese and French from Prep to Year 8, and at least one language in Year 9. 


The teaching of at least one LOTE is compulsory in Victorian schools, and a focus on language education can benefit students throughout their lives. It not only provides practical skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and memory enhancement, but research shows that it can increase overall academic achievement and promote a more open-minded and global perspective.


The School is keen to understand how Girton’s LOTE program compares to contemporary models of language education and best practice. Girton has engaged Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) to conduct an analysis of our LOTE (Languages Other Than English) program. The purpose of this investigation is to identify areas where we can improve the School’s LOTE program and make informed decisions about the most enriching use of class time for our students.


Leading from the Centre: Head of Departments

Investing in the professional development of middle leaders is critical for any school to build capacity for change, improvement, and collective leadership practice while strengthening the link between senior leaders and teachers in the classroom. 


Girton’s Deputy Principal, Jay Weston, has implemented a unique development program called "Leading from the Centre," co-designed by Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) and myself to expand the capacity and cohesion of our Heads of Department (HODs). Through a series of modules, our curriculum leaders will gain clarity on their individual roles and responsibilities, empowering them to be critical conduits between senior leaders and staff. This will enhance their confidence and capability in contributing to the School improvement agenda and responding effectively to the challenges of their roles.


Whole-School review of Assessment Protocols

At Girton, we strive to offer a curriculum that is both challenging and inspiring, while remaining relevant and compliant with Australian Curriculum requirements. Importantly, we place a high priority on providing a consistent and evidence-based approach to assessment that provides students with fair, accurate, and meaningful feedback that supports their learning and best prepares them for VCE.


Version 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum was approved in April 2022, and we are currently working to implement the new curriculum from Prep to Year 10. We have taken this opportunity to also review our student assessment and reporting practices, a project led by Ms Jinari Mountain. We will keep students and parents updated on the progress of this initiative as we continue to strengthen our assessment and evaluation process to enhance the learning journey for our students.



A strong school community is built on open communication and active engagement, and inviting contributions from our students, parents, and staff is a fundamental aspect of our approach to continual improvement at Girton. I am incredibly impressed that this has resulted in such thoughtful and impactful suggestions from this year’s student leadership team. From new uniform ideas for the Year 12 cohort to enhancing leadership opportunities for younger students and advocating for important social justice issues like the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan, the voices of our 2023 Captains, Vice Captains, Prefects and other students are a powerful reminder of the impact students can have when given the chance to make a difference.


We remain committed to working together with the Girton community in the spirit of collaboration and partnership, as we strive towards our shared goal of delivering the best possible learning experience for our students. Once again, we extend our thanks to all those who have provided feedback via our most recent surveys and focus groups, and I look forward to continuing our journey toward improvement together.


Dr Emma O'Rielly
