

Director of Service

Team Kids World Wildlife Party!  

Last week we were busy preparing to celebrate our World Wildlife Day. The children helped out creating jungle leaves to hang as decorations as well as colouring many different animals to hang around the room to get into the spirit.  


Here at Team Kids, we were focusing on one endangered animal in particular and this was a numbat. We learnt all about numbats - where they live and what they like to eat. We found out that the numbat eats between 15,000 and 20,000 termites a day but there is only 800 numbats left in Australia today.  


We were so excited to announce to the children we are introducing a special Team Kids stuffed toy member ‘Nelly the Numbat’. We plan to take Nelly to all the amazing holiday excursions and incursions and be able to create a massive journal all about his adventures at Team Kids. The children were so excited to start this adventure, they have already given Nelly one of our Team Kids special badges.  


On Tuesday the 7th of March we got to hold our amazing party! The children got spoilt with some yummy party food and we were lucky enough to have a face painter come join us to create amazing animal drawings on the children. We had so many smiling faces after looking in the mirror to see just what they looked like!


Slip, Slap, Slop 

Wow Autumn already!  

Although we are in Autumn and the weather is starting to cool down, children are still required to wear hats when they are outside enjoying the sun. All children are welcome to bring a spare hat in their bag if they wish to keep their school hat in their classrooms. We encourage the kids to bring their own sunscreen if they have sensitive skin or just feel more comfortable with their own. 



Holiday bookings will be open soon!!