Assistant Principal 

Sharon Lomas 

Assistant Principal

Being silent cannot be an option.

Our students at Kingswood Primary School are amazing people. As teachers and parents, we all want our students/children to become confident learners and good citizens. As teachers, we are not here to judge, but to guide and support our students to achieve these two things.


We all know it takes a community/village to make a citizen and learner, so it is important that we all work together. The students and teachers have worked together to choose three school-wide positive behaviours that will enable everyone to use the same language when discussing and learning about the positive behaviours that make us good citizens. 


These behaviours are:

Be Respectful

Be Resilient

Be Empathetic 


Sadly, students can sometimes be influenced by misinformation from friends, social media, and fake news on the internet.  This lack of true understanding can sometimes cause a ripple effect of false information and accusations.  If this happens the school always takes action to support our students and facilitate learning that addresses any misinformation or use of inappropriate language.


To enable our community to support our children to become confident learners and young citizens it would be wonderful if parents and carers could also use our school-wide positive behaviour language at home.


With Harmony Day approaching and Cultural Diversity Week starting on the 11th of March, we believe that this is a prime opportunity to engage in conversations with our children. We recognise that it can be hard for us all to know how to talk to our child/children about issues such as racism and discrimination and how to celebrate diversity.


We have included some links that can support our community to do this: 

UNICEF    Taking to children about Racism and discrimination

Good start early learning Talking to children about disability.


Thank you for reading and we are going to leave you all with one last quote: There are no others, just other people. (UNICEF)