Key Dates

Term 1 - April

Thursday 6th - Easter Liturgy & Easter Raffle

Thursday 6th - Term 1 concludes

Friday 7th - Good Friday (Public Holiday)


Term 2 - April

Monday 24th - Student Free Day

Tuesday 25th - ANZAC DAY (Public Holiday)

Wednesday 26th - Students commence Term 2


Term 2 - May

Friday 5th - Athletic's Day

Monday 8th - Arts/Celebrations Week

Sunday 14th - Mother's Day

Monday 15th - Market Week

Thursday 25th - Solidarity Mass P3+4

Monday 29th - Year 11 final classes for Unit 1

Tuesday 30th - Year 11 Study Day

Wednesday 31st - Year 10 Immunisations

Wednesday 31st - Year 11 Exams Begin


Term 2 - June

Thursday 1st - Year 10 Study Day

Friday 2nd - Year 10 Exams Begin

Thursday 8th - Year 10 and 11 Exams Finish

Friday 9th - Student Free Day

Monday 12th - King's birthday (Public Holiday)

Tuesday 13th - Unit 2/4 Begins

Tuesday 13th - Year 10 Subject Selection Interviews commence

Thursday 15th - GAT (No Year 11/12 classes)

Thursday 15th - Year 7 and 8 Band Concert Evening

Monday 19th - Student Council Week

Friday 23rd - Term 2 Concludes