Principal's Message

As Term One draws to a close it is an opportune moment to thank all staff and students for the fabulous start we have had to 2023. So much has happened in the past ten weeks that it is impossible to thank everyone for their individual contributions, however some key highlights have been the Year 7 Camp, the Year 11 and 12 Retreats, our swimming carnivals, whole school gatherings, Twilight Open Evening, International Women's Day celebration and, of course, some exceptional examples of contemporary and meaningful learning happening every day in so many classrooms.
The Killester students this Term have again demonstrated that they are indeed young people of strength and kindliness; they have volunteered to help at every single event we have held outside of normal school hours, they have worked with many local community service facilities, such as Wellsprings, they have created sustainability projects and they have collected assiduously for our Project Compassion focus during the Lenten Season.
One particular thing, of which we as a whole community are most proud, is the way in which they have adopted our theme this year of Courage. They are speaking up for the rights of the marginalised and they are doing so in respectful yet forceful ways, the world indeed needs young leaders who will take on this challenge and it is with great anticipation that we watch to see how magnificently the young people of Killester will continue to improve our world.
On behalf of the staff at Killester I wish all families a joyous holiday break and Easter Season, we pray that the joy of the risen Christ brings renewal and hope to our world. We acknowledge that many families in our community will be celebrating varying traditional special occasions and thus we also wish our Buddhist families a Happy New Year, our Muslim families a blessed Ramadan and happy Eid ul-Fitr, our Sikh and Punjabi Hindu families a joyful Baisakhi and our Jewish families happy Passover.
Ms. Sally Buick
College Principal