Year 7 Celebration Evening

On Wednesday 26th July over 200 parents, students, grandparents and siblings attended our annual Year 7 Celebration evening. The evening had a twofold purpose this year. Fairhills HS has in conjunction with Communities that Care and Deakin University undertaken the “Resilient Families” program. This program is a school-based prevention program designed to help students and parents develop knowledge, skills and support networks to promote health and wellbeing during the early years of secondary school. The program is designed to build connectedness within the family and between families and schools. This is hoped to prevent health and social problems in youth.
The evening began with Veronica Morales and Regina Lu playing flute as the families arrived. Staff from Deakin University then engaged our families in a Quiz in order to connect what our students have been learning in school to what can be achieved at home. The importance of open and effective communication was the key message that the group wanted our families to understand.
The second half of the evening saw many of our Year 7 students receive awards in the following categories:
Our school values, attendance and academic excellence.
Our values-based awards (Respect, Responsibility, Persistence, Inclusion and Integrity) were given to those students who had best displayed these consistently throughout semester one.
The Attendance awards were awarded to those students who had more than 95% attendance for semester one.
Finally the academic awards given out on the evening for the top 10% of students in each class group. The number of awards was well spread throughout the cohort. Congratulations to those students who received an award on the evening to encourage all our students to always be their best.
A very big thank you to all our families who attended the evening. Your presence on the night was very much appreciated.
As a follow up to the Resilient Families program they will be offering an 8 week parenting program called PACE (Parenting Adolescents: A Creative Experience). The program is free to Fairhills HS parents and if you are wanting any more details please feel free to contact Adrienne Tanner on 9758 5022. A flyer is included below.
Adrienne Tanner
Engagement Coordinator
Assistant Principal