International Student Program News

Welcome back to a new year in the MGC International Student Program!  This year we welcomed 27 new international students, 12 new year 10s, 14 new year 11s and 1 new year 12!  We are very excited to have a variety of nationalities this year. We have students from China, Vietnam, Japan, Korea and India!  Please make sure you introduce yourselves to them, as their first priority is to make new friends to teach them about our crazy Australian culture and language!

We would like to start with a Big Congratulation to Lan Wang in Year 12 wined Monash Excellence in English as an Additional Language (EAL) Award!

Another exciting news to share is about the celebration of Lunar New Year. Being away from home during new year is certainly not easy, especially for the new girls as it could be their first time being away from home. To help the girls get over being homesick, we have organized a small party with plenty of traditional foods for the girls to celebrate the new year together. Everyone was having lots of fun introducing themselves and catching up with each other.

Last week, the girls went to the School’s Swimming Festival last week and we can tell that they had a fantastic time making friends and enjoying themselves through the lovely photos they took.

Next week will be another exciting week for the girls who are turning 18 as we have planned a birthday party to celebrate their unique and special age. So stay tuned for more updates and photos from the program!