Deputy Principal / 

Religious Education News 

Confirmation Photos: and register.

The photos are now available to view online.




Parent/Teacher Interviews

We have rescheduled our parent/teacher interviews and they will be held on Thursday 25th March. Students will finish at 1:00pm on this day. We hope to keep the same allocated times and you will receive a note this week with your time. If you need to change your time please let the class teacher know.


Lent: Project Compassion.


Students are studying the role of Caritas during Lent in preparation towards Easter Sunday. Due to Covid19 we were unable to have our Ash Wednesday Mass however we will be focusing on what we can do during the season of Lent to follow in Jesus' footsteps. We can either give something up or take up extra service. 

This year the theme is: BE MORE. This comes from St. Oscar Romero who said: “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.”  We are called to a life of ‘being’ as opposed to ‘having’ because our human dignity is not gauged by what we have but what we are: made in the image and likeness of God. 

During Lent we try to ‘Be more’ by making simple lifestyle changes and taking action for social and environmental justice. Who we are and how we relate to others and live out our lives is more important than what we have.  Each class has a Project Compassion Box which will be counted each week until the last week of term.


Whole School Assembly

On Friday 26th March we will be having our first whole school assembly since Covid19 and lockdown. Our student leaders will be presented with their leadership badges and our Year 6 students will be presented with their Year 6 Graduation tops. This assembly will be held in the morning between 9:15 and 11:00am, exact time will be given next week.


Year 6 School Leaders and Ministry Groups.

We have had to delay the announcement of school leaders for 2021 due to the strong leadership skills of our Year 6 students. There was much deliberation and discussion by school captains, vice captains and staff and leadership group before we could make the following announcement.

Our 2021 Year 5/6 Leadership Groups:

Arts Ministry:                     Nicola (leader), Ayisha, Areesh, Ryan, Mili and Brian.

IT Ministry:                          Harry (leader),David ,John D, Bernice and Elaine.

Sport Ministry:                   Sienna,Oscar (co-leaders), Joshua GK, Carlos and Julian.

Environment Ministry:    Ankita (leader),Ahan, Caitlyn and Maleah.

Social Justice Ministry:  Sylvie (leader), Lily, Josh M, Jayben and Ria.

Wellbeing Ministry:         Thomas, Jakob, Anni, Hanna, Isabelle and John Z.

Reconciliation Action Plan: Nikita (leader), Joel and Faith.