Sports Pathway Program

It has been fantastic to have the SPP running at full capacity for the start of 2021. Excursions, Strength and Conditioning sessions and student engagement in all lessons has been awesome to see.
The Year 9 SPP classes have been completing a Tabling and Fixturing unit, they have completed excursions to Casey Stadium and Casey Tennis Club to run Tournaments.
The year 9 and 10 class completed excursions to the Aqua Park in Bangholme. During this excursion they tested out their strength and conditioning as well as balance, flexibility and muscular power.
Year 10 SPP have been completing a unit of Sports Injuries and Fitness Components which is closely linked to the strength and power conditioning sessions ran by Luke Kitchen.
With many exciting activities planned for the year, we are all very excited for the Sports Pathway Program in 2021!