RGAR Awards

RGAR Rewards
This program recognises commitment and effort outside of the classroom. Students are awarded points in four categories:
- Arts & Clubs
- Leadership & Community
- Sport & Recreation
- Values
Points are assigned by staff and accumulate throughout a student’s time at CESC.
When a student has reached 1,000 points in any category they will be awarded a badge and a bronze merit for that category. The merit is attached to the badge. They will continue to accumulate points and be awarded a silver merit at 2,000 points, a gold merit at 3,500 points and a platinum merit at 5,000 points. These points are visible to both students and parents in Compass. An SMS will be sent home each time a students is awarded a badge. Badges and merits will be awarded at whole school or year level assemblies.
Student point tally
You can see how many points a student has accrued by looking in Compass at their chronicle summary
Top 10 Students
Arts & Clubs
EDWARDS, Ronan | Year 12 | 6960 |
TITFORD, Alexandria | Year 12 | 6640 |
BOTT, Aurora | Year 12 | 6490 |
ROBILLIARD, Abbie | Year 12 | 5540 |
WOODFORD, Caitlin | Year 12 | 4820 |
GEORGE, Mitchell | Year 12 | 4130 |
SINNOTT, Kristene | Year 12 | 4000 |
MACFADYEN, Reece | Year 9 | 3380 |
CRANSTON, Jessica | Year 11 | 3320 |
BIRLANGI, Sahithi | Year 11 | 3180 |
Community & Leadership
ROBILLIARD, Abbie | Year 12 | 2800 |
CERNA, Layla | Year 9 | 1750 |
BUKSH, Fadhilah | Year 11 | 1660 |
RICHARDS, William | Year 10 | 1290 |
EDWARDS, Ronan | Year 12 | 1270 |
MUSA, Wajiha | Year 9 | 830 |
SHAILESH, Shreya | Year 12 | 760 |
MILOSEVIC, Momir | Year 10 | 680 |
KATAMBWE, Hadija | Year 11 | 680 |
SWAMI, Mimansa | Year 12 | 600 |
Sport & Recreation
MCDONALD, Paige | Year 9 | 430 |
ROBILLIARD, Abbie | Year 12 | 420 |
MACNAMARA, Luci | Year 11 | 370 |
HUSSAINI, Tamanna | Year 10 | 360 |
SIVAGNANASUNDARAM, Janakan | Year 9 | 360 |
PRADEEP, Adithya | Year 10 | 330 |
MAYER, Stella | Year 9 | 320 |
SINGH, Prabjeet | Year 11 | 300 |
DUNCAN, Taylor | Year 9 | 300 |
KANDEL, Sanjay | Year 9 | 300 |
SINGH, Jessica | Year 8 | 2850 |
SHAH, Vaishavi | Year 8 | 2750 |
AZIMY, Farzana | Year 8 | 2750 |
D'COSTA, Andrea | Year 8 | 2700 |
NEWTON, Brianna | Year 8 | 2550 |
DWEH, Jessica | Year 8 | 2500 |
CLOTTEY, Rebecca | Year 8 | 2450 |
RIJO, Neha | Year 8 | 2300 |
NADIRI, Mehnaz | Year 9 | 2200 |
BALISSON, Mia | Year 8 | 2200 |