From the Principal

Following a year of disruption in 2020, our staff and students have been working extra hard through Term 1, to establish expectations and routines. It has taken awhile for everyone to get back in to the swing of things and remember what fulltime onsite learning looks like and feels like.
The year has definitely begun with a frenetic pace, with events such as school photos, Year 7 camp, excursions and incursions all occurring, ensuring that we make up for some of the lost time last year.
School Council nominations and appointments have been made and we thank the CESC School Council of 2020 for all their hard work. I would like to take the opportunity to welcome our newest members:
- Mark George
- Angela Grillias
- Alica Jaso
We also have returning members that we look forward to working with again in 2021. Don’t forget that at any stage you may put yourself forward to consult and have input into the policies and procedures here at the College, via consultation processes that will be published accordingly.
In 2021, the Department has put forward three priority goals for school improvement which include:
- Learning, catch up and extension
- Happy, active and healthy kids
- Connected schools
Within these priorities, CESC will continue to work on goals as set out in the Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan.
In line with priority number one, CESC has commenced the Department of Education and Training Tutor Learning Initiative. We have employed 4 tutors and to further enhance the tutor program, we are utilising the strengths of current College staff, as well. Identified students will be provided with small group and in class support throughout the year in both Literacy and Numeracy. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school if you have any further queries regarding this initiative.
As we think ahead to Term 2, we have begun preparations for NAPLAN online. Students have downloaded the browser in preparation and will be taking part in practice sessions to ensure the implementation of NAPLAN at CESC is successful.
I would also like to acknowledge the incredible hard work of the Wellbeing Team, led by Marianne McEwen. All members of the team are actively out and about in the school supporting students with their overall mental health and wellbeing. One member of this team, our Youth Worker Todd Caldwell has moved swiftly to ensure connections are established with local community groups. Please keep an eye out for opportunities for students to engage in a range of activities with organisations such as Melbourne United and Richmond Football Club.
With a couple of weeks left of term, I thank you for your ongoing support for all that we do here at CESC for your children. Have a terrific Easter break when it comes around and following that a lovely, restful school holidays.
Stay safe and well,
Linda Buckeridge