
Child Safety

Behaviour at the end of the school day


St Bede’s College is committed to ensuring students are as safe as possible.  This commitment extends beyond the school gates and outside of the hours of 8.40 am till 3.15 pm. Our College uniform is very distinct and we are grateful to members of the public who contact the College regarding student behaviour they have observed before or after school.


If one of our young men does something to help another member of the community, we may hear about it. We have received wonderful accounts of our students helping senior citizens on the bus and helping lost or confused Primary School children find their way. Conversely, if our students engage in behaviour that is harmful or dangerous we are very likely to hear about it and it is an expectation that we act to prevent a reoccurrence.


Most concerns are reported to us after school finishes for the day. The safest habit for students to get into is to go home immediately after school. If students are going to a friend’s house, parents should know. 


Some important reminders.


Students who ride a bike to school must always wear a suitable helmet and obey the road rules. The streets around the College are very congested with vehicle and pedestrian traffic and they must be wary of this.


For students catching public transport, face masks MUST be worn and we expect that behaviour is always respectful to other commuters.


Our experience has been that students who loiter in parks and shopping centres after school place themselves in harm’s way. Unfortunately, these students can be easily drawn into behaviours that many in the community consider dangerous or a public nuisance. A student’s safety may be compromised due to their own reckless behaviour or the behaviour of others. 


We ask that parents discuss after school arrangements including transport, estimated home arrival time and any planned activities with their sons. 


Finally, a reminder to students that behaviour that is dangerous, harmful or results in damage to the good reputation of all St Bede’s College students, may result in disciplinary action by the College.


Mr Mark Jones

Deputy Principal Students