From the School Leadership Team,

From Mr. Chant,



Today is an important day for the administration of the school. All students are included in the annual census and our enrolments today will determine the allocation of central funding from the Department of Education. Accurate attendance data is critical and your support in recording absences and using Compass so effectively has made the process so much easier to complete.


We are relieved that the COVID restrictions have been eased from midnight tonight. Make sure you check these changed conditions and follow the new directives.


"While masks are no longer mandated in most circumstances, the evidence is clear wearing a face covering makes a real difference in slowing the spread of the virus – so masks continue to be recommended indoors or outdoors when distancing can’t be maintained."  DHHS website


During week 5 and week 6, all grade 3/4 students will participate in swimming lessons held at GESAC. Students will be placed into small groups based on swimming ability and experience, all instructed by the team at GESAC. (Please label every item of clothing.)


This week we have commenced the external providers back on site who offer our students the cultural and language programs, music lessons and sports coaching opportunities. These small steps back to normality are important ones but we must all still be mindful of social distancing, sanitising and the protocols of parents being off site during the operation of these programs.


Our Top Tenn tennis program was held again this morning and there has been a great deal of interest and a really high level of attendance. It is wonderful to see our children enjoying the challenges of mastering their tennis skills. Details about the program can be obtained from the information stand alongside the front office.


We met with City of Glen Eira traffic management engineers and infringement officers to look at improving traffic flow around the school at the key drop off and pick up times. We will continue to operate the four exit / entry gates as this is working so well and the parent drop off each morning continues to ensure a smooth start to learning each day. Balaclava Road is a major transport route. U-turns at the front of the school are illegal!! Parents needing to collect students at the end of the day, from the front of the school, should access the school via the pedestrian crossing.


A reminder that Monday 8th March is a public holiday. (Labour Day)


School ends for term 1 at 2.30pm on Thursday April 1st. Please note this earlier finishing time and make the necessary arrangements for collecting your children. 

From Mrs. Breimeyer.

Acting French Director


Chères familles de CJC,


Le Festival du Film Français de l’Alliance Française arrive à Melbourne du 3 au 31 mars. Le programme vous a été envoyé, nous espérons que vous y trouverez des films à votre goût !


Les élèves du CE2 jusqu’à la 6ème ont participé à une compétition de natation mardi, merci M. Reese de l’avoir organisée !


Les élèves de CE2 et de CM1 démarrent leurs leçons de natation la semaine prochaine, n’oubliez pas de bien étiqueter toutes les affaires et de mettre un goûter supplémentaire dans le sac !


Nos élèves du binôme de CM1 viennent d’envoyer les photos sélectionnées pour le concours de la huitième édition de Territoires d'Asie : « des images et des mots », un concours de photographies et de textes qui est ouvert dans la zone Asie-Pacifique sur le thème « Couleurs et Traditions ». Il s’agissait cette année de mettre en avant ces gammes de couleurs si présentes et si uniques en Asie et dans le Pacifique, couleurs qui se déclinent dans chacune des actions humaines qui font notre quotidien : dans l’art culinaire, dans les vêtements, les accessoires, les objets portés et utilisés par ceux et celles qui nous accueillent, dans la rue, dans les foyers, dans les fêtes et les évènements familiaux, culturels et autres, dans les lieux que nous habitons. Les élèves ont été invités à la fin de l’année dernière à prendre des photos qui reflètent ce thème pendant les vacances d’été. (Couleurs locales d’Australie, thème aborigène, faune et flore d’Australie, paysages, traditions culturelles…). Les élèves ont ensuite travaillé sur les textes pour accompagner leurs photos lors de leur retour en classe.



Un jury s’est ensuite réuni à l’école pour choisir les deux photos qui ont été envoyées à Jakarta.


Vous trouverez ci-dessous les photos et textes des finalistes de CJC, bravo Liam et Pauline !


Cette photo a été prise dans l’état du Queensland. Je l’ai choisie car elle représente des dessins aborigènes. Les aborigènes sont les premiers habitants de l’Australie et ils utilisent ce qu’ils trouvent dans la nature pour créer les couleurs de leurs peintures. Ils mettent aussi de la peinture sur leur corps et leur visage et chaque forme représente quelque chose. La culture aborigène est très précieuse en Australie. 


École franco-australienne de Melbourne – Liam – CM1


Ce bonhomme fait en sable représente l’Australie car il est rare de trouver de la neige ici. Il y a souvent du soleil et les gens vivent souvent près de la mer. L’eau est tout autour de l’Australie et les gens aiment nager, surfer et jouer dans les vagues. 



École franco-australienne de Melbourne – Pauline – CM1


Vous trouverez également les photos de tous nos photographes en herbe, merci à tous d’avoir participé.

Je vous souhaite un excellent weekend à tous,


Christelle Breimeyer



Dear CJC families,


Alliance Française’s French Film Festival arrives in Melbourne from March 3 to 31.  The programme has already been sent to you and we hope you will find movies that spark your interest!


Our Year 3 to 6 students have participated in the swimming carnival last Tuesday, thank you Mr Reese for organising!


Swimming lessons will start next week for our Years 3 and 4, don’t forget to label all their items and to add an extra snack in their bag!


The Year 4 binôme students have just sent their shortlisted photographs to the 8th edition of the Asia–Pacific zone: “Images and Words”, a photograph and text competition opened to the Asia-Pacific zone featuring the theme “Colours and Traditions”. This year, the challenge was to celebrate the colour palette that is so unique and omnipresent in Asia and the Pacific, these colours paint our everyday human actions: in cooking, clothes, accessories, the objects worn and used by those who welcome us in the streets, in their homes, in family, cultural and other celebrations and in the places we live.  The students were invited to take photographs during their summer holidays featuring local Australian colours, an aboriginal theme, the local fauna and flora, landscapes, cultural traditions… When they returned to school at the start of year, they worked at writing a text to complement their photograph.


Their work was then presented to a panel at the school who had the mission of choosing the two photographs that were sent to Jakarta.


Please find below the photographs and texts of our CJC finalists; congratulations to Liam and Pauline!


This photo was taken in the state of Queensland. I chose it because it represents aboriginal drawings. The Aboriginal people are the native inhabitants of Australia and they use what they find in nature to create the colours for their paints. They also wear paint on their body and face, and each shape represents something. Aboriginal culture is very valuable in Australia.

École franco-australienne de Melbourne – Liam – CM1


This sand man represents Australia as snow is rare here. It is often sunny and people often live near the sea. The water is all around Australia and people love to swim, surf and play in the waves.

École franco-australienne de Melbourne – Pauline – CM1


Below is also the work of all our budding photographs, a big thank you to all the participants.

Have an excellent weekend everyone!


Christelle Breimeyer