Student Leadership 

Student Leader Youth Council Forum


The Youth Leadership Forum was a very insightful experience.  We, the College Captains, joined with other captains from neighbouring schools to discuss about the most pressing issues in our communities with Kim Wells MP. 


The captains discussed about the issues of gender equality and representation in STEM subjects and the Arts, confronting the stereotypes and social norms that have been going on for too long. We thought about strategies that the local government and schools can implement to encourage students to break these norms and follow what interests them the most. Following the global "event" last year, we also had a thoughtful discussion about mental health and the support services around the community and at schools. From this chat, we discovered that Wantirna College is very ahead and fortunate in terms of our student support services, the quality of our Wellbeing Team and inclusiveness at the college with the LGBTQIA+ Club. 


In summary, the experience was one that we learned a lot from, both about where we can improve, along with what we're doing amazingly already.



From the Year Level Captains


Hi, my name is Gemma, this year my leadership position is Year 10 Captain. I have been involved in leadership positions since a young age, starting with primary school captain, homegroup captain and Middle Years Captain. I’m also really passionate about the performing arts and have been involved in the school’s annual productions since Year 7.



This year so far, the Year 10 students have discovered and gotten used to the changes from Middle Years to Later Years and discovering our newly chosen subjects, the activities and responsibilities that go with them. Peer Support Leaders have begun teaching Year 7 classes. Sports Excellence students are also getting to know the ropes of the program and early start VCE students are learning the ropes of taking a Year 11 Subject and undertaking SACs.


Gemma Doley and Sophie Evans – Year 10 Captains



Hey, I'm Emma Lawler one of the Year 11 Captains for this year. I love science and am currently doing Biology, Chemistry and Physics. I love cake decorating and music and am looking forward to working with everyone this year.


Hi everyone, my name's Ulysses and I am the other Year 11 Captain. I also love science and dream of becoming an Astronaut. This year, I want to work with Emma to ensure everyone is successful in our studies. Cya around the yard!

We are both a part of SRC and the Later Years Council so feel free to contact us with any issues you would like us to bring up, or come to SRC Mondays at lunch, we are always looking for new members!


Emma Lawler and Ulysses Rigano – Year 11 Captains