Principal's Report
Flexible. Resilient. Positive. 2020
Principal's Report
Flexible. Resilient. Positive. 2020
We're Back!
Squeals of delight in playgrounds, corridors and even our staff room. Everyone is back on site after one week of term 4. Ms Ferguson and I visited into classrooms dressed in costumes - The Owl and the Pussy Cat. I have my fingers crossed with my wings and legs crossed that we do stay at school for the remainder of term 4.
Thank you for your support of home learning in such remarkable times. There have been some positives from this lock down period - exercising and playing together as a family, a quieter pace or just seeing how your child engages with their learning. I also recognise that there are some families under significant financial and/or emotional stress.
I am hoping that this first step of students returning to school helps you in some way. You may even be celebrating or cheering on this stage. It has been exciting watching and talking to students and teachers in their rooms adjusting to the return- learning to work and play together, all over again. This adjustment process will take a period of time, and it is similar to the start of the year so the teachers will take time to find out how the students coped with home learning and the necessary changes to being at school.
Term 4 Focus
As advised by DET (Department of Education and Training) we will be focusing on 3 main areas in Term 4:
As before, parents will need to say goodbye at the gates and teachers will be there to greet the students. We will use the same gates for year levels as we did on our last return to school. This went well on the first day and most children are on time ready for the day.
Foundation Munro Street
Level 1 Green Mile (base of the mile for drop off)
1BG & 1G top of the mile for pick up
1D & 1A base of the mile for pick up
Level 2 Churinga Ave
Level 3 Verdale Street
Level 4 Churinga Ave
Level 5/6 Munro Street
All students except Foundation will start at 9am and finish at 330pm.
Foundation will start at 905am and finish at 325.
Students in levels 4, 5 & 6 may enter from any gate if they don’t need to have parents wait with them. They are to go straight to the correct gate to meet their teachers.
Siblings may enter and leave via the gate for the youngest sibling so that the younger child is with their parent then the teacher. The older sibling can then walk through the school to their gate to meet their teacher.
Any students riding bikes to school need to be on school grounds at 8:45am to walk their bike to the shed. They then go to their correct gate to meet their teachers.
No students onsite before 8.45am – OSHClub operating for students before 8.45am
Staggered breaks through the day – we will not be running staggered break times but will instead be allocating separate areas of the playground for separate levels.
Ask that all parents remember physical distancing rules. It is very important that parents / carers wear masks to drop off and pick up their children and follow physical distancing rules.
Level | Area |
Foundation | Foundation playground & sandpits. South of the South Building |
Level 1 & 2 | Middle corridor between North and South Building, Yellows, Biggies and Junior Soccer Pitch |
Level 3 & 4 | Top Basketball Courts and first half of grassphalt courts – close to Senior Hub, and new playground. |
Level 5 & 6 | Second half of grassphalt courts, new playground and oval |
These areas will be reviewed during the week.
Temperature testing
There will be non-invasive thermometers to be used in classrooms and the sick bay as needed. However, following advice from DET, temperature testing will not be undertaken as a procedure for entry to the school
All of the adults at school will be wearing masks. Teachers do not have to wear a mask while directly teaching although some may choose to do so. None of the students are required to wear a mask but they are welcome to do so if they choose.
Physical distancing
Students do not need to be physical distancing at school as they do not carry the viral load. All of the adults at school will be physical distancing. Classrooms will look the same we will not be separating the desks out. We ask that parents practice physical distancing at pick up and drop off.
Drink taps
As before, there will be no drink taps open. All students to use personal drink bottles.
There are additional hours of cleaning provided by Spotless throughout the day. They use disinfectant and detergent.
We will have a schedule of cleaning works to high tough areas and some equipment which will occur throughout the day. This will include for normal cleaning times;
For progressive throughout the day cleaning times;
Hand Washing
Students will wash their hands at the start of the day, before eating and before going out to play, after coming in from play and before coming home.
Hand sanitiser will be available in classrooms and in specific locations throughout the school. Students with allergies are encouraged to bring their own soap.
All adults onsite will be using hand sanitiser and hand washing regularly.
Students who are unwell
Any unwell students will need to go home. Please keep your child at home if they are displaying any signs of illness – cough, runny nose, temperature. Staff who are unwell will also be staying home.
Families that choose not to send children to school
Remote learning will finish on Friday 9 October. If a child is unwell and unable to attend school, please contact the classroom teacher for support with their learning.
Specialist Classes
The specialist classes will operate from Monday with some modifications as advised by DET. PE lessons will be held outdoors. Library books can be borrowed but at this stage the books will have to stay at school. Choir and some musical instruments are not permitted. Some activities have to be modified, for e.g. dance has to be outside. We have different entry and exit points for library, art, music, digitec and PE. Hand washing and sharing of resources guidelines will be followed.
Nude Food
There will be no sharing of food at school including lollies and treats. They can't be distributed and then taken home.
We ask that students bring nude food where possible. They will not be taking their lunchboxes into the yard beyond the eating time. I saw many examples of nude food in classrooms.
Our wonderful before and after school care program – OSCH Club is operating from 7am to 6pm for all Rangeview students. Done forget to book in!