Learning and Teaching News
As Term 3 of remote and flexible learning draws to a close, we can be proud of the achievements and growth of all learners in our community.
We are particularly grateful to our parents and carers (our home teachers) who have worked with us (the school teachers) to foster a love of learning and progress your children’s skills and knowledge over the term.
Our learners have been outstanding. They have demonstrated our St Martin de Porres learning powers of being curious, resilient, collaborative, creative, reflective and motivated. They have adapted and hung in there. We are so proud of them and we can't wait to gather them in and close when our Prep - Year two students return to school on Monday October 12th and Years Three - Six, hopefully soon after.
Meanwhile, the holidays are a time for rest, relaxation, family time and celebrations but learning is 'anywhere and all the time' and doesn’t stop when holidays begin.
Try these suggestions.
- Go to museums virtually- https://museumsvictoria.com.au/Kids love the interactive nature of these places and this experience can foster more active engagement with topics and ideas that will then transfer into the learning at school.
- Take them to the supermarket - think about how many interesting and potentially unanswered questions you can ask as you wander up and down the aisles - packaging, directions, advertising, weights and measures.
- Let them be bored - there’s a lot to be said for leaving children to their own devices and letting them just be. Creative, imaginative and investigative play develops curiosity and problem solving.
- Make reading part of the routine - reading is one of the best forms of learning for all kids. Visit or join a local library online - http://libraries.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/(There's a great local scavenger hunt that begins tomorrow Friday September 18th).
- Discuss current events - talking builds vocabulary and clear expression. It assists critical and creative thinking.
So let your children enjoy the holidays - but show them that learning can be one of the most fun holiday activities, too.
As we prepare for learning in Term 4, here are the topics students will inquire into:
Are little things in life as important as big things?
A Scientific Inquiry into living and non living things and the features and needs of mini-beasts and animals.
Year One
What are things made of and how do they work?
An Inquiry into how things are designed, made and put together to solve problems and challenges.
Year Two
What's out there?
A Scientific Inquiry into the Earth's place in space and the universe that surrounds us.
Year Three & Four
How do we use Science to understand and take action to preserve waterways in our local communities?
An Inquiry into local waterways and the cause and effect of human actions.
Year Five & Six
What's the Matter?
A Scientific Inquiry into the world of matter and reversible and irreversible changes.
Denise Kelly
Deputy Principal / Learning & Teaching Leader