Science  2020


Indigenous Science Perspectives - Material

In Term 3 the Junior Primary students learnt about materials, which involved the properties and how they are used. It was great to have Angela (AEO) and Carly (AET) join us to teach the students about how Indigenous Australians used natural materials to survive, everyone had a great experience.

Science Fair


All students across the school enjoyed being involved with our Science Fair. Rooms 5, 6, & 7 worked extremely hard to ensure they could share their knowledge with the younger students through displays of experiments. There were lots of discussions about the science behind their inquiry projects which were delivered with enthusiasm. It was a great day had by all, a big congratulations to Rooms 5, 6, & 7 on a job well done, scientists in the making.


Green Australia Grant - Maintaining and Improving Nature


Our school won a government grant early in the year, as we wanted to improve our Bee Gardens and our Swale area which is located near Karoomba Ave. The students have enjoyed being a part of establishing and maintaining these areas, as they are important aspects of our school community. Our students are also designing some external signage to promote these areas, in which we look forward to seeing these signs erected.