From the Principal

It’s hard to believe we are at the end of term 3! It has been another term with challenges due to continuing COVID-19 safety restrictions.

I would like to acknowledge the support we have had from parents and carers – patiently waiting outside classrooms and across the school.

These are trying times, but all in the best interests of the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff.


Student Assessment


Our students overall have demonstrated significant improvement in their results for both Reading and Maths in the last year.

The table below indicates the percentage of students in each year level who achieved the S.E.A. (Standard of Educational Achievement) set by the Department for Education.

This improvement is a result of our whole school focus on Reading Comprehension and Place Value in Maths.

Our teachers have been explicitly teaching relevant skills to students with regular tracking and monitoring of their progress. 

They have also been actively involved in researching, reviewing and implementing current Best Practice to refine and improve their teaching practice.



Pat Reading

PAT Maths

Year 2100%80.95%84%86.36%
Year 350%100%45.45%78.57%
Year 450%91.66%55%90.9%
Year 561.53%76.19%46.15%75%
Year 675%66.6%62.5%73.3%
Year 7 53%66.6%38.46%75%

Virtual tour of our school

We have been working with “Education Web Solutions” to create a virtual tour of our school.


We will use this to promote our school via:

· Website

· Facebook page

· School newsletters

· Emails to prospective parents and carers and local preschools and child care centres.


Parent Survey

Each year the Department for Education hosts a parent feedback survey. This information is used to inform the school and DfE of what the strengths of each school are as well as areas for growth.


The unique link for Hampstead Primary School is:


Please take the time to complete the survey.

New classroom

During the holiday break a 2 classroom temporary modular building will be installed adjacent to our library. This is to help us with space due to the impact of the fire in December.

In term 4 we will be relocating Miss Robertson’s art classes into one of the classrooms and we will be creating an additional JP class in the other classroom.

Maryanne Fletcher will be returning from leave and will be taking the class. It will be a Year 1/2 class.

We are looking forward to having the opportunity to provide smaller class sizes for our younger students to support them to consolidate their learning ready for their next year at school.

We hope all our families have a safe and relaxing holiday break and look forward to seeing you all in term 4.