Parents and Friends

Teachers' Wishlist Update

Mrs Dempster was thrilled to receive these resources for the Science Area to encourage higher level thinking and enquiring skills in the students.


(Click on the image for full view if using a smart phone)

80s Rewind - Quiz Night

We are so pleased to say that the Quiz Night is SOLD OUT!!


It's going to be an amazing night, with lots of laughs and even more prizes! Fans of Nena's 99 Red Balloons (Luftballoons for the purists) will have a chance to play OLA's 99 Red Balloons for just $10 - with the grand prize an incredible family entertainment pack that everyone will love. There will also be raffles and games throughout the night, so don't come with an empty wallet - make sure you bring plenty of small notes to participate!


Don't forget to bring some food for your table to keep your brains firing all night and the bar will take cash or eftpos. But most of all, come along and enjoy OLA's biggest fundraiser of the year! 

Dads' Night with Karl O'Callaghan 

Our first night dedicated entirely to dads and father figures was a great success, with almost 40 OLA men attending the evening to gain some valuable insights into raising kids, from WA's Former Police Commissioner and father of four Karl O'Callaghan. 


Thank you to Mr De Pietro and Mr McIntyre for hosting the event, with Mr Martin unable to attend. The dads all enjoyed getting to meet some of the staff and other fathers at the school over a beer and pizza. 


We're looking forward to getting another Dads' Night up and running next year!


(Click on images for full view if using a smartphone)

OLA on Facebook

If you're new to OLA you might not know that we have a Facebook page! Jump on board and keep up to date with what's happening in our fabulous community. Use the link below to find our page.


(Click on image for full view if using a smart phone)

Entertainment Books 2018/19

Entertainment Books and Digital Subscriptions are still available to purchase for 2018/19.  Both cost just $70, with $14 from each sale going directly to the P&F. To secure your copy purchase through the link here:

Contact Us

If you have anything you would like to discuss with the P&F you can contact us at