Leadership Message

A Prayer for Father's Day

Dear God,

Thank you for all the fathers and father-figures in this world and for the many ways you use them to lovingly guide others to Your heart. I ask that you would bless them and give them great joy and peace. May they see You and know You in new ways. Show them how much you love them and care about them. Guide their steps, use their hands, and make them a blessing to others as you continue to fulfil your special purpose for their lives.


Fathers' Day

We had a wonderful turnout today at our Fathers' Day Morning. There are many important dads and father figures in our students' lives so it was fantastic to be able to celebrate them with breakfast and Mass. Thank you to Mr Peter Sigle and the OLA Staff for assisting with the organisation and running of the events.

Dads' and Father Figures' Night

On Tuesday night, OLA dads and father figures attended the P&F sponsored event with Karl O'Callaghan, former Police Commissioner of Western Australia.


Mr O'Callaghan discussed raising children in today's society. It was an insightful presentation and offered those in attendance the opportunity to hear about Mr O'Callaghan's experiences of being a father and foster father. Thank you for sharing this night with the OLA community, Karl!


Thank you to those families who have been parking in the Dianella Plaza carpark during pick up and drop off each day. If you do park in the bays on Chester Ave, please ensure you do not park your car over the footpath near the blue fencing as this restricts the access for prams, wheelchairs and gophers. Thank you for your support with this.

Upcoming Leave

Mr De Pietro will be on leave from Friday 14 September and will return next term on Monday 15 October. During this time, Mrs Viv Farrugia and Ms Samantha Twomey will be teaching 6M.

Chicken Pox

Please be aware that there have been some confirmed cases of Chicken Pox in our school community. Please see the information sheet attached for further information.


This week, members of the Leadership Team attended three days of professional development. The focus for these days was formulating a new three year Evangelisation Plan for OLA. Bishop Gerard Holohan and the Religious Education Faith Formation Team from CEWA facilitated the days and provided the Leadership Team with insights into Catholic Education in 2018. Topics covered included; the dynamics of the Catholic faith community, the importance of the Gospels and prayer.

Reconciliation - Confirmed Date

The Year Three Sacrament of Penance has been rescheduled to Thursday 25 October at 7.00pm.

80s Quiz Night

OLA is abuzz as we await the 80s Rewind Quiz Night being run by the P&F next Friday night. Well done to all of the people involved in the preparation of this HUGE fundraiser - it's a sell out! We can't wait to see the shoulder pads, lycra, fluoro and mullets that make an appearance on the night!

Performing Arts Update

As the Catholic Performing Arts Festival draws to a close, our Year Two students were our final performers and they did an amazing job in their Choral Speech performance on Monday. The talented students received an Excellence Award in this section of the Festival.


Our Year Six Recorder Club students will be participating in the Primary Ensemble Shield Play-Off this evening at 5.20pm at Trinity College.


What a season it has been for OLA! Thank you to the students, class teachers and Mrs McAuliffe for the hard work and dedication they have put into preparing each item.

With Sympathy

Please keep Mr Martin in your prayers due to the recent passing of his mother. Our thoughts are with Mr Martin and his family during this time.

Wishing all of the dads and father figures a wonderful Fathers' Day on Sunday!


OLA Leadership Team