Careers/Senior Pathways


Exercises for the Home Office

by Junjila, Kartika and Alice



Startsmart VCAL Incursion

On Thursday the 20th of August, the Year 11 and 12 VCAL classes participated in a zoom call with Startsmart Enterprise and Saving which is an award-winning financial education program offered to students across Australia to help them prepare for their future. During the call, led by a lady named Victoria Healy, all students were able to learn a lot of new things about smart saving. One of these things being a clever tip that Victoria gave us, which was to visualise, name the price and put a date on it. Victoria outlines that if you want to buy something you should visualise having it then see how much it costs, after that you pick a date and by that date you should have saved up the right amount to purchase the item. Victoria highlighted that picking a date to have saved up the money will encourage you to be conscientious about saving and putting the money together. Overall the session was very informative and very beneficial for all of us students involved.


by Ebony Angelopoulos, Year 11 St Bakhita


VCAA Key Dates

General Achievement Test (GAT) Wednesday 7th October. All students enrolled in a scored Unit 3 and 4 subject are required to complete the GAT. A GAT briefing will be held beforehand.


Performance and Languages oral examinations Monday 12th October – Sunday 8th November. This is for students completing Unit 3/4 language orals, drama and dance performances. 


Written examinations Monday 9th November – Wednesday 2nd December.


Please follow this link for VCAA Timetable



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