Whole School Activities

Teachers:  Mr Brad Hunt, Mrs Jess Fortescue, Ms Leah Miller, Mrs Emma Schaeffer & Mrs Sarah Harper

Local Author Visit - Sami Bayly

Last Thursday both Lower and Upper Division were treated to a visit from Author and Illustrator Sami Bayly.  Sami has applied her extraordinary talents as a natural history illustrator, and her carefully researched writing to this topic, in a comprehensive range of books - The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ugly Animals, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dangerous Animals and The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Peculiar Pairs in Nature, which certainly entertained, informed, and inspired us all. Sami encourages us to look closely at the wonders of nature and to really appreciate that beauty can be found even in the ugliest of animals. There were many interesting facts and lots of laughter and questions to follow.


Our school has purchased a copy of each of these books this week for our students to enjoy!

Mrs Schaeffer


Annual Scholastic Book Fair

We extend a huge thank you to everyone who supported our Book Fair this year.  We sold $1280 worth of books !! This gave us a commission of $223.60 to purchase books and resources for our school.  We purchased some lovely Junior Fiction books from the fair for our library and the remainder will be used to purchase school resources as required.


National Simultaneous Story Time

On Wednesday 25th May at 11am our students participated in National Simultaneous Story Time.  This event is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).    Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by Australian's is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, homes and children's facilities all over the country and the world!  This year marks the 22nd year of this event.

The book chosen for this year was 'Family Tree' written by Josh Pyke and illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh.  Some of you may have noticed this book was available for purchase at our recent Book Fair.