
On Monday 16th of May, Year 10 English and Year 9 Drama students watched an emotive and spectacular performance of Shakespeare’s Macbeth by the Bookworm Theatre Company. It humourously summarised the play and acted out its key scenes, performed in both informal modern English and the old English of the original play.  The play is a story of ambition, betrayal and the guilt that comes from betrayal.  The actors made it relevant by comparing some parts of the story to recent events. The cast, although only three individuals, managed to make the play suspenseful and exciting for us. They engaged with the audience, inviting us to become a part of their show and often informed us about the hidden meanings or the sub-text in Shakespeare’s writing. Overall, we enjoyed this fantastic performance and hope that future year levels have the chance to experience this as well.


Ira Samson, Year 10 SRC representative