Homelessness and the Disadvantaged

On Thursday, 26th May, VCAL students in partnership with the Big Umbrella, spent the evening serving food to “our friends on the street" who are doing it tough.


TBU rescue and repurpose food from supermarkets and restaurants then prepare hot and healthy meals to serve to those less fortunate every Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

We attended a pop up restaurant at Federation Square where we all served food, soup and drinks to those in need.


After serving meals from 6.30 - 9.00pm we were able to mingle with our street friends and listen to their stories. 

The students took a great deal away from serving the community and expressed their gratitude for having a roof over their head, a warm bed to go home to and food on the table each night.

I was very proud of every student who attended the excursion. They embraced the entire experience whilst being great ambassadors for ESC upholding all our school values.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and have requested that we return next semester to do it all again.

Thank you to Gabby Renda for accompanying me on the excursion to support the students and the cause.


Kim Gray

VCAL Teacher