Grade 5

Explore the Learning in Grade 5

In Term 4, Grade 5 students will be learning about the following topics and skills: 



In Reading for Term 4, Grade 5 students will be focussing on four key curriculum areas on a rotating basis. They will be working on mastering fluent, expressive reading that uses punctuation to dictate pace, tone and intonation. They will be continuing to explore comprehension of non-fiction texts by applying a range of entry models in our Reader’s Notebook. The students will also be focussing on an investigation into grammar and metalanguage, including looking at word types and their origins and meanings.

Later in Term 4, Grade 5 will turn their attention towards the speaking and listening component of the curriculum, including planning for and holding debates, conversations and presentations. 


During term 4, students will create procedural and explanatory texts through exploring chemical based science experiments. Students will conduct a range of experiments where they will be required to hypothesise, question and record information. After conducting and recording their information, students will write pieces which instruct others to conduct these experiments as well as explain what causes different chemical reactions. In the second half of the term, students will continue to use the 6 + 1 traits of writing and their Writer’s Notebook to create picture story books for their future Grade 6 buddy. 



In Maths for Term 4, students will begin with a focus on the Number and Algebra strand of the curriculum, with a particular focus on the four operations with fractions and decimals. Students will then conclude their Number and Algebra learning by investigating patterns and algebra and developing their problem solving skills. 


The second half of Term 4 will involve students exploring the Measurement and Geometry strand, looking specifically at 3D objects and their nets, as well as the enlargement and transformation of shapes. They will finish the term by combining mathematics with graphic design in an exploration of drawing and designing parabolic curves.



In inquiry for Term 4, the Grade 5 students will be investigating the life cycle of a tomato from seed to serving on the dinner table. In conjunction with Deidre and Margaret, our wonderful garden volunteers, the students will learn all about how to plant, grow, cook and eat tomatoes, culminating in a sustainable, student-led feast at the end of term. Throughout this inquiry cycle, students will learn about biological science, history, immigration, procedural writing, and a whole host of student-led investigations into the humble tomato and how it came to exist on our plates, in our gardens and in restaurants across the world.  


Positive Education 

In Positive Education, the Grade 5 students will be focussing on our weekly character strengths. We will be exploring each arm of the PERMA starfish through explicit teaching as well as investigating Mrs. Kebbell’s wellbeing blog. Students will also be working their way through the Respectful Relationships curriculum, analysing Voice and Aspirations data and setting goals for the future. Students will also be exploring applying elements of Mindfulness, Gratitude and Empathy both in and out of the classroom.


Key Dates and Events

Week 1: Curriculum Day - October 7th

Week 3: Geelong Cup Public Holiday - October 19th

Week 5 : Cave Hill Creek Camp - 2nd November to 4th November 

Week 9: School Christmas Fair - December 2nd 


Other Important Reminders

Students will be required to wear a hat during Term 4. Please ensure your child’s hat is clearly labeled with their name and grade.