Grade 3

Explore the Learning in Grade 3

In Term 4, Grade 3 students will be learning about the following topics and skills: 



Reading Program

The Grade 3s are supported in their reading development by our program which consists of whole class focus on a reading strategy, independent reading, individual conferencing and small group work focusing on the students’ goals. Our Home Reading Program needs and thrives on parental support both in class and of course at home. Students are expected to read for at least 15 minutes daily. You can support your child by listening to them read aloud throughout the week and asking them questions to check their comprehension. If you need further assistance with ways to help your child with reading please discuss with your child’s classroom teacher. 

This term we will be focussing on questioning, reciprocal reading, inferring and readers theatre.


Writing Program

We will continue to use Writer’s Notebook to record their ideas and develop their understanding of the Writing process. We use the 6+1 traits of writing (ideas, organisation, word choice, sentence fluency, voice, conventions and presentation) to teach the qualities of good writing. The writing process involves students developing their ideas, writing entries, planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing their work.

We look forward to using the writing process to create an advertisement and an information report this term.


Smart Spelling

Students will continue to bring home their new words each Monday highlighted in their diary, having had the spelling patterns and meanings explained during class. On Fridays, students will be tested to ensure that they have become familiar with the spelling patterns and correct spelling of the words from their list. You can help your child with their spelling by encouraging them to practice at home with the ‘Look Say Cover Write Check’ method or by completing one of the spelling activities in their homework pocket.



The Grade 3’s will be revising addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as learning more about mapping, time, data and place value.

You can support your child at home by completing Mathletics activities that your child’s teacher will set based on the topics we are learning at school.

They will also have access to My Numeracy on Essential Assessment to complete activities.



Our inquiry topic this term is looking at Historical Knowledge, focussing on what and who has shaped Australia and our big question is… 

How has Australia changed over time?

We will be investigating how life has been different for our ancestors, looking at the changes in work life, schooling, natural environments, daily lives, and much more.



Diaries will continue to be used as a central part of our homework program this term. Students will be expected to bring their diary to and from school daily. We ask that parents check and sign diaries weekly. Their spelling words will also be pasted into their diaries for the term, to help students with practising their words at home.


Positive Education 



Important Items to Have at School

  • A drink bottle containing water for class 
  • Broad Brimmed Blue Hat
  • Library bag 
  • Diary (every day, with any homework written in it).
  • Snack and lunch (nude food encouraged – healthy with minimal packaging)
  • Brain food- a piece of fruit or small container with fruit or vegetables to eat in the morning
  • Labels on everything

Key Dates and Events

Curriculum Day – Friday October 7th (Week 1)

Camp - 10th & 11th of October (Week 2)

Swimming – 5th – 9th of December (Week 10)

PERMA Day (Sports Activity Day) – Monday 19th December (Week 12)

Final day of Term 4: Tuesday 20th December (Week 12)


We will continue to work together with the families and students in Grade 3!  If you have any questions, concerns or comments please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher. 


3A Catherine Olsen 

3B Mitchell Rule 

3C Kelly Umbers 

3D Sharna Renfrey