Grade 1

Explore the Learning in Grade 1

In Term 4, Grade 1 students will be learning about the following topics and skills: 


Term Four is shaping up to be an exciting last term of the year for our fabulous Grade one students. The past three terms have seen the students develop their independence as learners and leaders and we look forward to finishing the 2022 year on an absolute high!

Some reminders for students throughout the last term are:

  • Home work books to be brought into school each Monday and Friday (at least).
  • Students are to complete their daily reading, spelling practise and Mathletics tasks at home.
  • A quick, happy and swift drop off means students are settled and ready for the day
  • Daily brain food to be in a separate container.
  • As a ‘Nude Food’ school, we encourage students to bring food that is free of single use plastic and in reusable containers. 
  • Hats to be worn in Term 4 as part of the Sunsmart policy. Make sure your child's hat is clearly named.

Excursions and Special events

For Term 4, Grade 1 students have amazing learning and excursions planned, with our main excursion being to Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. This is occurring in Week 4 (26th October) and we will require some parent helpers. Please see your classroom teacher if you are interested in helping out on the day.


The annual Swimming program for Grade P-3 students begins in Weeks 9 and 10 of term 4. Reminders will be sent through Compass closer to the dates in December. 

Lastly, in week 11, grade one students will be having a Publishing Party at the conclusion of a Narrative writing unit, where parents can come and celebrate students' published narratives. This will be a Teddy Bear’s Picnic on Thursday 15th of December. 



In Term 4, the Grade 1 students will be delving into Imaginary Narratives. Within Reading, students will investigate a range of mentor texts that highlight the important elements of a narrative. Students will also look at the comprehension of these texts. During Writing, students will learn about the creative devices needed to write a successful imaginative narrative to develop their own story through a writing cycle process. Grammar continues to be emphasized in weekly lessons. They will continue to sharpen their writing skills within lessons developing their understanding of the English language as well as revisiting concepts around phonics and common words. Students will also further build their knowledge of spelling patterns within weekly SMART spelling lessons.


In Term 4, Grade 1 students will be consolidating their knowledge and understanding of place value concepts. Students will also investigate money, its use and value as well as continuing to develop their understanding of fractions and solving addition and subtraction problems. Students will continue to work on numeracy goals that help to further their development as independent and confident numeracy learners. The use of Essential Assessment and Mathletics will support students in working towards achieving numeracy goals within a range of areas as well as participation in small group and independent conferencing sessions.



Our Term 4 inquiry topic is “Then and Now”. This inquiry focus investigates the big question “How was the past different to the present?”. Students will delve into their own lifestyles and how their parents/grandparents lives differed when they were children. Students will compare entertainment sources from then and now and look at how our communication means have developed and changed over time.  Students will also focus on their connections to people in Australia and also across the world.


Positive Education

In Term 4 we will be focussing on Character Strengths which are representative of each arm of the BHPS PERMA model for wellbeing, (Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment). We will be revisiting Persistence and Gratitude and modelling optimism by learning about Hope, Leadership, Fairness and Wisdom. From the Respectful Relationships curriculum, we will look at Positive Coping because helping students to learn a range of positive coping skills will allow them to develop and practise these skills and enable them to cope with future changes and challenges which inevitably occur throughout life. 



The Grade 1 cohort have been investigating the focus statement “I am a leader” in which they are developing their self worth by looking at role-models and the character strengths that make a good leader. Students will participate in regular Circle Time sessions which allow students to speak freely about their ideas and suggest solutions that are for the “good of the whole”. They will also attend a weekly Grade 1 cohort meeting in which all students work together to develop their Teamwork skills and begin to understand how they can use their voice to have a positive impact.    


The Grade 1 teachers are looking forward to a positive and jam packed term where your children can flourish and grow. We have an open door policy, so if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.


Warm regards,

Ned Wallis, Nicole Timbs and Nicki Tabone


Ned Wallis-

Nicole Timbs-

Nicki Tabone-