Wellbeing Page

Positive Education at BHPS

Pos-Ed at BHPS

PERMA is the model for wellbeing that we use at BHPS. It is based on research and scientific evidence put forward by Martin Seligman. 


According to Seligman, PERMA makes up five important building blocks of well-being and happiness:

  • Positive emotions – feeling good
  • Engagement – being completely absorbed in activities
  • Relationships – being authentically connected to others
  • Meaning – purposeful existence
  • Achievement – a sense of accomplishment and success

Underpinned by the Character Strengths, use of the PERMA is an effective, proactive way of approaching wellbeing and will be our focus for the first week of Term 4. 

We invite you to look at our latest blog post to keep abreast of wellbeing at BHPS. 




Visiting Occupational Therapists

Our school currently has two third year Deakin University Occupational Therapy students, Emma and Lachie, completing their clinical placements at Barwon Heads Primary School. They will be with us from Monday 3rd October to Friday 4th November 2022.  


Over the course of the next 6 weeks, they will visit many classes throughout the school. This is to familiarise them with developing various ways they may be able to assist and support students in a primary school setting, from Prep-6.  Our OT students have previously obtained experience in rehabilitation, community support and a range of Allied Health settings. They have current Working with Children’s and Police Checks. 


This is an initiative that we are trialling, in collaboration with Deakin University, Geelong. We hope that it will be mutually beneficial for our learning community to be provided with the opportunity to have occupational therapy clinical expertise in our school, in addition to our visitors having opportunity to observe and assist both our students and staff as they engage in daily learning. 


Occupational Therapists can assist and support students with the development of fine motor skills (handwriting), gross motor skills, play and social skills, including adapting the environment to manage sensory sensitivity (ie: noise, touch, movement). 


At all times, our visiting placement students will be under the direct supervision of our teaching staff, when working with children in the school. 


If you see them in your children’s classrooms or in our grounds, please say hello and make yourself known to them. They have Deakin Occupational Therapy uniforms on.


If you have any concerns or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Drew Steven at the school.