BHPS Family and Friends

BREAKING NEWS – Proposed Christmas Fair

During the holidays we were fortunate enough to have one of our amazing parents volunteer to be the convenor for a Christmas Fair. It is still in the very stages of organisation and ensuring we have the volunteers required to run an event like this. 

Look out for Compass Communication in the near future with more information. 

The proposed date for a Christmas Fair is Friday 9th December


Parent Partners - Thank you!


Our Parent Partners organised a Special Pie Lunch Day to coincide with Footy Colours Day on the last day of term. It was a tremendous success and we are deeply grateful for the efforts of our parents who donated their time to bring this to the students and staff. 

With Covid-19 restrictions appearing to be easing in the near future, we look forward to more opportunities to involve parents in school events. Stay tuned to future newsletters for information on upcoming events and opportunities.