Grade 6

Explore the Learning in Grade 6

It’s the last term of primary school for our wonderful Year 6 students and it promises to be a ripper! As a team, we intend on keeping our promise of making this year the most memorable of the grade 6 cohorts primary school life and with what we have planned it should be! We’ve got so much lined up for this term, with some major events like Camp Kangaroobie, Laverton P-12 (yr 6) visit, Graduation, Adventure Park and Sports Day just to name a few. 


In Term 4, Grade 6 students will be learning about the following topics and skills: 



This term in Reading students will continue to engage in further developing their knowledge and use of the comprehension strategies. Specifically, we will be focussing on: reading behaviours, setting goals, comparing and contrasting, synthesising, summarising, connections, literal and inferred questioning, research skills and examining media texts. Students, as a part of our daily reading program, will continue to complete entry models related to these strategies in their Reader’s Notebooks whilst also being afforded opportunities to read independently and ‘free read for enjoyment’. 


This term in Writing students will be focusing on writing behaviours and what makes a good writer. The students will follow the writing process that includes generating ideas, expanding their ideas, creating a plan, drafting, and then finally publishing their work. Students will have opportunities to choose genres and complete narratives, information reports, poetry, and persuasive pieces with a focus on media texts. Specifically, students will use a Reader’s theatre focus to explore these strategies. This will allow students to continue to develop their bank of ideas in their Writer’s Notebooks and complete weekly dictation to focus on SMART spelling choices, grammar, and punctuation. 



During Term 4 students will be exploring operations with decimals and making connections between fractions, decimals and percentages. We will also be looking at Chance and Data, where we will be using our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages to describe different probability outcomes. They will be covering concepts involving volume and capacity through real-life, hands-on experiences. Students will conclude the year by engaging in a financial literacy project where they will investigate budgeting and calculate percentage discounts. Throughout the term, students will continue to utilise My Numeracy (Essential Assessment) to develop personalised maths goals and address any misconceptions.



With a focus on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to evaluate the significance of ethical matters. The ‘big question’ for this terms Inquiry was ‘Is Australia an inclusive nation?’ Students will explore past and current issues related to race, religion and culture. Students will investigate issues and topics such as The Final Quarter (Adam Goodes), racism, asylum seekers, refugees and multiculturalism with a view to respect and celebrate our nations diversity. Students will also be afforded opportunities to engage with Laverton P-12 College providing a possible lived multicultural experience. 


Other Important Reminders


As per our SunSmart Policy, students must wear a hat when playing/learning outside in Term 4. Please ensure your child brings it to school each day and it is labelled with their name.