
Careers Report
Our Year 10 students are organising their work experience placement for the last week of this term , Monday June 20 – Friday 24. Congratulation to those students who are making a great effort to secure placements. To support students preparation we have been running sessions during the Wednesday period 5 class and will continue for the remainder of the term. Students have been preparing resume’s, and cover letters to send to prospective employers and completing the required OHS units for the workplace, including a Safe at Work general module and specific industry modules relevant to the workplace where students will be undertaking work experience. Parents/carers of students who have not been able to secure a placement yet, please encourage your student to talk to family, friends etc. about what they do and if there are any potential opportunities.
Work Experience placement within our community is very valuable to our students, we welcome any question you may have about providing a potential opportunity or any connections we can follow up.
All Year 10 students are expected to do a work experience placement, the deadline for paperwork was Monday June 6. I am extending that deadline until the end of the week Friday June 10. If students are waiting to hear back from employers, please see me so I know you are trying and I can help you follow up. Students who have not secured a work placement by 10 June will be notified of the program at school they will be required to participate in the last week of the term.
As mentioned in the weekly Careers newsletter on the website - there is lots happening and loads of information to keep you up to date. I am also finalising an OPEN DAY document that I will share via compass and email.
I encourage all senior students to attend Open Days; it is such a valuable opportunity to have a look around at tertiary institutes, meet the staff and students, and get an idea of what the place is like and what courses they offer.
I have also posted on Compass, and emailed Year 12 students, a document about early entry programs. This is where you can apply, based on Year 11 results, or on the course work you are doing now. A university or TAFE will offer you a guaranteed place so you can feel organised. There will be criteria that need to be met but for some students the knowledge that there is a definite place, if I meet these criteria, is comforting and can be beneficial to set targets for yourself.
Remember to take the time to read the weekly careers news available on compass, emailed and on the website. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact me.
Ms Bronwyn Haines
Careers Coordinator