Principal's Report

Welcome to our mid semester edition of our newsletter.
The cold wet weather has crept up on us the past few weeks and along with it increased rates of COVID -19, flu infections and other illnesses. Whist these illnesses continue to challenge everyone whether it be at work within the home or at school, I am sure we are all glad not to be in the extended lockdown we faced this time last year.
We are fortunate that Scoresby Secondary College has had exceptional support from replacement teachers who have wanted to make us their ‘College of Choice’ to work. It is through their commitment that we have been able to maintain the majority of teaching and learning programs without interruption throughout the term. I thank these staff, in particular those who have come on board from the independent sector and out of retirement to assist.
School Review
Thank you to staff, students and parents who contributed to Scoresby Secondary College’s successful school review. In particular I would like to acknowledge our College Council parent representatives Glenn Corey (Council President) and Jo Jones (Vice President) who participated across the three days of the review who were outstanding representatives for all parents/carers.
The review took place on Wednesday 25 May, Friday 27 May and Thursday 3 June and provided a great opportunity to hear experts acknowledge the high learning growth and many achievements over the past four years. In wanting the best outcomes to drive Scoresby Secondary College forward we invited Mr David Howes (Department of Education Deputy Secretary) and Mr Peter Greenwell (Southern Region Executive) to be our challenge partners. Together with the reviewer and leadership team members they formed a review panel who participated in classroom visits, led focus groups with students, parents, staff, partners and community representatives, and engaged in rigorous discussions over the three days. I was exceptionally proud as the positive feedback came back throughout and look forward to the final review report. The report will contain the proposed goals and targets for the next four years for the new strategic plan which will form the focus from 2023 to 2026.
Around the College
The best part of being a principal is enjoying seeing students engaged inside and outside of the classrooms. Maximising student engagement and wellbeing is very much needed and over the past few weeks, students have had many opportunities to engage, extend and challenge themselves through interschool sport, music performances at lunchtime, subject competitions, Year 12 University of Melbourne excursion, lunchtime activities, KIOSC activities and Year 7 Treetop Adventure excursion.
Da Vinci Competition
The da Vinci Decathlon is an academic competition designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of school students. Students compete in teams of eight and our College has joined an elite group of high performing schools to compete in this annual competition.
We are delighted to announce that our team of Year 9 students from Scoresby Secondary College have been awarded 2nd place for the da Vinci Decathlon -Legacy. We are extremely proud of our students at Scoresby Secondary College
National Reconciliation Week
Last week our community acknowledged National Reconciliation Week. National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Thank you to Levi (Rose) from Year 11 who represented our indigenous student’s by voicing the significance of the week through story telling in a film clip which can be viewed on Scoresby Secondary College’s Facebook page.
As a community we have have made significant progress in teaching the indigenous past, present and future and last year introduced our own ‘Welcome to Country’ which was written by our own Koorie and Torres Strait Islander students and read at all formal events.
Statewide Principals Conference
On Monday and Tuesday last week I participated in the Statewide Principals Conference. The conference was held at the Convention Centre however, I chose to participate on-line given the number of absences and staffing changes.
Staffing Update
We have a current advertisement online to replace Mr Knight after his promotion to another College. I would like to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of all staff who have supported new staff, supervised professional practice teachers, provided work for students experiencing lockdowns whilst still teaching face to face, covered for absent staff due to COVID/Flu, prepared for and participated in Open Night and more.
Our leaders who have stepped up and taken on significant responsibilities whilst Mrs Kate Harnetty the temporary replacement for Chris whilst AP positions are being advertised (Kate commences full time this week for the remainder of the term).
Mrs Gail Major