Student Services

Student Services Report
There have been a few key changes in the Student Services team with new staff members joining to provide essential wellbeing support to our students. We have welcomed Ms Annette Peploe as the School Chaplain working on Mondays and Thursdays. We have also welcomed Ms Husnia Lutfi who is a qualified counsellor available to see students on Tuesdays.
Our Mental Health Practitioner, Ms Patrice Lewis, continues to work on Wednesdays. As the Student Services Leader, I am available every second Wednesday, and every Thursday and Friday to see students as well as assist parents with referrals to external health and wellbeing services such as Headspace.
Please contact me if you would to discuss the wellbeing of your child by phoning the school on 9765 4100.
Headspace Knox
Headspace Knox is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and offers young people aged 12 to 25, a welcoming environment where they can access confidential and free mental health support, health advice, and group programs such as Paws for Thought (see below). They are a team of friendly workers who specialise in youth wellbeing. Phone: 9801 6088.
Services include:
- General health services (youth-friendly, free Doctors)
- Counselling & Mental Health Support
- Alcohol and Other Drug Services
- Vocational, Education & Training Support.
Mrs Suellen James
Leader of Student Services