We have been SO busy the last fortnight. Thank you to all the amazing students, staff and parents for the ongoing support of all the Performing Arts activities. Term 3 has always been regarded as production term, and we have definitely shown that in the last few weeks!
Thank you to Grace James who has been filling in for Sergei Golovko while he has been on leave for the last three weeks.
Poetry Reading for Tim Hurburgh - Thursday 18 August
Tim Hurburgh is the celebrated architect who designed many of McKinnon's Main campus buildings, including the Senior Centre. A man of many talents, he has recently published a book of poetry, inspired by his love for Tasmania. To honour his connection to McKinnon, he invited Theatre Studies students, Isabella Varvodic (Year 11) and Ethan Stubbs (Year 12), to read a poem as part of his book launch in Carlton. It was a privilege to be part of this important occasion, which was MC-ed by local acting legend, John Wood, and Issy and Ethan enjoyed the unique experience.
General Assembly - Wednesday 31 August
Congratulations to the Wind Symphony for their outstanding performance at the General Assembly. It was wonderful to hear the group play so brilliantly. Thank you also to Ben Jason-Easton (Year 12) for his rendition of the National Anthem. Thank you to Tracy Videon for her continual development of this group of musicians.
Year 10 Drama: Theatre Making and Excursion – Wednesday 31 August
The Year 10 Drama class have had a busy start to the semester. They worked as a whole class to complete a theatre-making challenge - create a devised performance using only lighting, sound and movement, in the style of Gothic Theatre. They demonstrated outstanding collaboration and creativity, and greatly enjoyed having to tell a story in such a visual style.
They have also been to the theatre to see Laurinda, at Melbourne Theatre Company.
Here's what student Anthony Kostelac (Year 10) had to say about the experience:
“Going to see plays in drama also helps understand how to analyse a play and take it apart for all it’s worth. Seeing live theatre ignites a spark within me and going to see live theatre through school and having pre-show talks makes seeing and learning about theatre ever more enjoyable.”
Eastern Campus School Visit - Thursday 1 September
Thank you to the Saxophone Quartet who performed for the Department of Education Secretary - Jenny Atta, and Department of Education Deputy Secretary for Schools and Regional Services - David Howe when they toured the school on Thursday 1 September.
The standard was extremely high and demonstrated your ongoing musicianship. Thank you to Martin West for convening and developing this group.
Orchestra at Deakin Edge - September 1
The orchestra had the opportunity to perform at the Deakin Edge in the city to a receptive crowd on Thursday September 1. Congratulations to all those involved, your ongoing performance skills are improving immensely.
Thank you to Tracy Videon for her ongoing development of these students and her organisation of the event. Thank you also to Clare Bugeja and Andrew Albanis for attending the event.
String Quartet performing at the 35-year service awards - Monday 5 September
Congratulations to the students in the String Quartet who were invited to perform at the Department of Education 35-year service awards ceremony on Monday 5 September. It was wonderful to see and hear them perform at such an occasion. Thank you to Clare Bugeja for her development of this group and organisation of this performance.
Gigs on the Green – Friday 9 September
Congratulations to the students in “23rd Street Band” who performed at the main campus on the A1 Stage on Market Day on Friday 9 September. It was great to hear student bands performing to such a receptive audience.
On the same day we started the Eastern Gigs with the amazing Jordan Abela kicking us off with a great dance party vibe. Students were clearly enjoying the opportunity to celebrate the end of a busy week, the start of Spring and the warm sunshine. We look forward to student run gigs next term.
Big Band Bash - Friday 9 September
A fantastic Friday nights' entertainment was held in the School Hall with all three stage bands, the saxophone quartet, student band “23rd Street Band”, and alumni band “Chloe and the Midnight Band”. Thank you to all the parents and friends who came in support of the fantastic music.
Thank you to special guest emcee Gordon Stooke, who returned to lead the nights events. Congratulations to Martin West, Stuart Byrne and James Morrissey for their work in preparing their ensembles for performance, and a huge thank you and congratulations to Dmitry Serebrianik for his work with the ensembles and preparing the night's entertainment.
Theatre Studies – Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 September
Congratulations to the Unit 4 Theatre Studies students for their preparation and presentation of their monologues.
These performances will form the major part of their Performance Exam to be held in the first few weeks of term 4. The standard of work presented demonstrates an ongoing ability to build character and explain process. Congratulations to Lucy Angell who has worked hard with all these students in preparation for their Performance Exams.
Piano by Candlelight – Tuesday 13 September
What an amazing night performance that was held for a great number of piano students. The depth of musicality, the engagement with the audience and the passion towards the music was outstanding! Thank you to all the students who presented their solos, it was magnificent! Thank you to Baltazar Kurowski for his development of this evening’s performance!
It was amazing to see so many students at both East on Monday, and Main campus on Friday, get involved in large group singing! Thank you for your enthusiasm.
Cultural Concert – Tuesday 13 September
Thank you to the Percussion group, the World music group and all the soloists who performed to a very receptive audience for Eastern Gigs. Thank you to Clare Bugeja and Rose Kavanagh for their organisation of this concert.
VCE Music – Thursday 15 September
Another fabulous night of outstanding musicianship! Congratulations to all the VCE Music students who have developed their musical skills and have presented their programs to a very receptive audience. These students will also be presenting for their Performance Examination in the first few weeks of term 4. It is wonderful to see their capacity grow. Congratulations to Baltazar Kurowski for his ongoing outstanding work with these students.
World Songs – Thursday 15 September
Thank you to all the students who performed at Main for the World Songs concert as part of the Gigs on the Green! It was wonderful to see and hear music from around the world. Thanks to Blanka West and Baltazar Kurowski for their development of this concert.
As you can see we have had an amazing two weeks - and without the assistance of the amazing AV team, particularly Nick Xanthoudakis, Michael Birkett and Caleb Goldwaser, none of this would be possible.
- Senior Concert - Sunday 9 October (1 - 3pm), St Johns Anglican Church
- Percussion Night - Friday 4 November
- Year 11 Music Night - Thursday 10 November
- Year 10 and 11 Theater Performance Night - Friday 11 November
- Intermediate Concert - Thursday 24 November
- Year 9 Musical Production - Friday 25 November
- Junior Concert - Wednesday 7 December
Megan Papworth
Performing Arts Manager