Fabulous Foundation
Fabulous Foundation
Term 2 Week 4 - Friday 20th May 2022
What we are learning in weeks 5 & 6:
We have been focussing on practising our reading strategies that help us to decode a text. Students have enjoyed using “Stretchy Snake” and “Chunky Monkey” to stretch out and break down unfamiliar words. In week five we will be focussing on sequencing. Sequencing involves being able to identify the sequence of events that occur in a story.
Over the next two weeks we will continue our work on nouns, verbs and adjectivities. This will support the students as they begin to add more details to their writing to make it sound more interesting. We have some fun ways to teach adjectivities to the students. (mmm can you smell the popcorn? How does it taste and feel? But please ssshhhh this is a secret from the students 😊)
This term we will continue to introduce new words each week as part of our SMART smelling program. As always, we focus on the sounds of each letter in the word of the week and explore other words with the same sounds. By asking your child what the word of the week is and the sounds of the letters, it will provide a great opportunity for conversation about their learning at school.
The students will recap subitising, this will help students to instantly recognise a number of objects without having to count each item. We will also introduce students to 2D shapes.
Our Inquiry unit this term is ‘Our community.” We will look into where we live and they type of houses we live in compared to other countries. We will also explore how schools have changed over the years (olden days to now), what schools look like in other countries, as well as what resources are available to us in our community (emergency services, facilities etc). We have an exciting visit from our lollipop man, David planned during week 5. He will be discussing the importance of road safety!
Leader in Me:
We have completed new Personal and Academic WIGS (Widely important goals). We have discussed the important of having goals and the students are excited to reach their new goals.
Take home readers and blue pouches
Every morning students have been independently changing their readers and giving their teachers any notices.
Please check these pouches nightly as this is how we send home school notices and communication.
We understand life is busy but please try to have your child read their reader each night. They really enjoying coming in each morning and swapping their reader over. (We have enclosed a laminated book mark which prompts you to ask questions at the end of the story to support their comprehension.)
Important reminders
* PMP Program begins Thursday 12th May, 2022. (Please refer to compass newsletter for further information).
* Our movie Making program has begun and the students were all very excited to receive their roles in the film.
* Please continue to pack a fruit snack and a recess snack even if your child has a lunch order as these aren’t delivered to the school until 1pm
* Please endeavour to test sight words nightly and return them to school weekly on FRIDAYS.
* Daily we have a fruit break, we ask kindly that you please pack your child a piece of fruit or a vegetable to snack on during this time.
Parents and Carers, at the end of term 1 Class DOJO platform was archived and all communication now goes through go through Compass to be inline with the rest of the school. Please be sure you have a login to compass. If you need support with this please see Brooke at the office.