From the Principal 

Our Vision

Each child has a gift or talent. It is our job to find it and to show it to them.

Our Mission

Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader.


 What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

Dear Parents and Carers,


Recently, a significant number of students and staff have been absent due to Influenza and COVID. The school's operations have continued effectively, due to daily timetable modifications and the good will and flexibility of the staff. Thank you for supporting the school, by keeping your children home, at the onset of flu-like symptoms.


National Assessment Program of Literacy and Numeracy

NAPLAN is now complete for 2022. The Year 3 and 5 students were well prepared to participate, using the online platform (excluding Year 3 Writing), and were focused for most part of the tests. We look forward to seeing the results next term.



Foundation enrolments for 2023 are being submitted already and at this point we estimate two grades of 20. By Term 3, we will confirm if a third grade will be created. Prospective parents continue to book school tours. Community interest seems to be increasing as we move toward the mid-year mark. This week three students enrolled in Foundation, Year 3 and Year 4. The new students are settling in well and we are grateful to have them join us. Parents and carers with children already enrolled in Years F-6, with younger children starting school in 2023, are requested to complete and submit an enrolment form by Friday June 24, and to register for K-F transition sessions. 


The Leader in Me - Job Vacancies

Students are assigned leadership roles within their classrooms and each term roles are changed according to student interest. Now opportunities have been created for students to take on leadership roles across the school, over and above that of School and House Captain roles. The staff advertised six jobs on the new job vacancy notice board in the school foyer: Cleaning Crews (students in Years 3-6 could apply); Technology Leaders (Foundation students only could apply): School Librarians (F-6 could apply); Radio Presenters (F-6); Sports Equipment Managers (4-6) and Newsletter Editors (5-6). Teachers introduced the students to the process and worked with them to fill out application forms. Interviews were conducted and students start their new appointments next week. This strategy provides opportunities to build confidence, develop new skill sets, synergise and contribute to the betterment of the school.


Proactive Language

Two statements that can help us think and behave proactively are, “Let’s look at our options and there must be something we can do.” These are opening statements rather than ‘shut-downs’ such as, “We have no other choice or there’s nothing we can do.” Proactive statements create a sense of hope.


Cultural Studies

This year the students have been introduced to rich art and cultural learning programs. The room is always buzzing when I visit. Students are eager to share what they are learning and to show their art pieces, of which they are so proud. Chinese and Japanese units of study were much enjoyed, and we are looking forward to the next unit, that being Aboriginal Australia, with a focus on local history, language, art and culture. The unit will span over six weeks and incorporate key important dates and celebrations, such as Sorry Day and NAIDOC Week. In the regular classroom, Indigenous Perspectives are a focus and threaded through Inquiry units of study. Every grade has an Acknowledgement of Country poster, and the students start their day, paying respect to elders past, present and emerging. 


Thought for the Week

Live out of your imagination, not your history. 

Stephen Covey


Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

George Danson