Fantastic 3/4
Year 3-4
Term 2 Week 4
What have we been up to?
In Literacy, we have been learning about a new text type; “Information Report'' and have been looking at the structure and purpose. This week we have been exploring the topic “koalas” and looking at different facts related to koalas through all the different formats information reports can come in; scientific reports, guidebooks, newspaper articles, documentaries and reference texts. Next week we will be jointly constructing our very own information report on koalas.
In Maths, students have been introduced to location. We have been exploring different locations and the importance of using directional language when finding, describing and locating places on a map. Students have been practicing creating directions, making maps using a birds eye view, creating a legend for map use and practice reading a scale of a map.
Just a few reminders for our students and families:
- Homework for Term 2. Each week on Monday, students will bring home their homework. We ask that each night students complete a look, say, cover, write, check for their 8 chosen words, read for 20 minutes a night, and complete 1-3 My Numeracy activities, as well as an Essential Reading task. Please have students bring in their purple homework folder every Friday.
- Library has started. Students attend a library session with their class once a week. 3/4A borrows and returns books every Tuesday, 3/4B borrows and returns books every Monday and 3/4C borrows and returns books every
What is coming up?
Reading/WritingIn the next two weeks, students will be working on writing a jointly constructed information report with their class.
MathsNext week in Maths, students will continue to learn about location.
In Science, students will be wondering about the world in relation to plants and animals. They will be sorting out the differences between plants and animals based on the characteristics of each one. Finally, in Inquiry the students will be learning about the importance of the environment to animals and people and the ways in which they can be protected.
Here are some photos of what we have been up to over the last two weeks: