Clyde North Campus News
In last newsletter's Clyde North update, I focussed on our School Wide Expectations or as many of you will know them as our ROCKS! Specifically, I was imploring our parents to work in Collaboration with the College in order to help our students (your children) to achieve their Academic goals. This week’s focus is again on our ROCKS, but more specifically – Safety.
We have recently had a new school crossing installed at the rear gate of the College on MacKillop Way. This gate not only acts as an exit point for our students, but also for St Thomas the Apostle Primary School Students. The crossing supervisor has noted several concerns in relation to Student and Parent Behaviours since the opening of the crossing. These include:
- Students crossing the road before or just after the crossing, without the supervisor.
- Cars parking and blocking the crossing.
- Cars performing U turns and putting students and cars at risk.
- Two crossing drive throughs.
The College has been reminding students, via SPACE News and will be providing some education on the topic of, “Being a Safe Pedestrian”, in order to ensure our students fully understand the necessity of remaining safe while coming to and from school. If parents can please be aware of the new crossing and ensure they are extra careful when dropping off or picking up their children then that would be greatly appreciated.
Staff on morning Yard Duty have also shared that a number of parents drive into the College Main gate driveway to drop off their children. Many are then seen backing out the driveway into traffic that is hard to see as the drop off areas have cars exiting these areas at the same time. It is imperative that parents use the drop off zones outside the school, rather than the previously described practice. Please be patient and adhere to these requests as it is for the safety of all of our children.
Excellence in our College was celebrated at the recent Academic Assembly. It was encouraging to see over 60 of our parent community join in the celebration to see their child or grandchild’s success at school. My thanks to Jeannette Valencia and her outstanding VET Hospitality team for providinga morning tea for all to enjoy afterwards. Not only were our VCE and NAPLAN Academic High Achievers celebrated but we had the opportunity to showcase the excellence of our sporting teams, the Arts, through our participation in the Shared Stories Competition and also our high achieving French students participating in the Berthe Muchette Competition.
A special mention to John and Ed Amum who recently travelled to the USA to compete in the AAU Basketball Championships. For those who don’t know, the Ametuer Athletic Union Basketball Competition is a USA Nationwide Competition that allows young people to showcase their talents infront of NBA Talent Scouts. To put this in perspective, Lebron James and Kobe Bryant participated in this competition in their junior years! John and Ed’s team finished Runners Up in their Division and let’s hope that the talent scouts know a good thing when they see it! Perhaps one day we can be celebrating this achievement as the
stepping stone to their entry into College in the USA and who knows….perhaps the NBA! Well done boys!
Mr Peter Brannan
Acting Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus