Parents, Teachers & Friends and School Advisory Council

PT&F Committee School Advisory Council Members
President - Jenni Hird Fr Kingsley, Pauline Long,
Vice President - Ashleigh Stevenson David Lee, Jason Allan, Robyn Wilson,
Secretary – Michelle Cortis Charlie Simkin, Michelle Cortis,
Treasurer – Tracey Klitsch, Kate Thompson
Fundraising - Michelle Cortis
School Advisory Rep - Kate Thompson
PT&F update:
1) We are looking for a treasurer to step into the role for our PT&F. If this is in your skill set please contact the school office on 67461033.
2) Please join our St Joey's Quirindi Parent Facebook page. This is where you will have access to quick updates and requests, while providing a platform for anyone to ask questions.
It is a closed group, only open to current families and there are questions you will need to answer to ensure privacy.
3) We have 2 major fundraising events looming, the Colour and Slime run and our Cherry Fundraiser as well!
Meeting Minutes
Please find the July meeting minutes and reports here.
The next meeting of the PT&F will be held on Wednesday August 23rd at 6:00pm via zoom. The next meeting of the School Advisory Council will be held on Wednesday August 23rd at 5:00pm via zoom