Classroom & Curriculum News

this Weekly Assembly Awards

Congratulations to the students who worked hard this week and received a classroom award!!


House Colour Competition

House TeamsTotal Points

Learning in the 1/2's:

Over the last two weeks have a multitude of learning experiences in the 1/2's. The students have been meticulously taking care of the newborn chicks in the 1/2LM classroom. It has been an amazing experience to watch them grow over the past two weeks as they both gotten bigger, and are starting to also show there personalities as well. They have done a fabulous job taking care of them in the interim before they are ready to move outside. Thank you to everyone who has come past so far and interacted with them so far. Another focus of the 1/2's has been exploring the Stephanie Alexander program and its curriculum, the students have participated in mindfulness meditation, exploring the idea of what there happy place is and the concept of gardening. The students this week created there own pots for a seed to go into and we are very excited to see how they turn out. Hopefully the seeds will grow into something beautiful.

Grandparents Day

On Tuesday 25th July we celebrated Grandparents Day. We commenced the day with mass followed by a family activity where grandparents joined their grandchildren in the classrooms to create family portraits within a flower. Morning tea was provided for all grandparents who were then invited to have lunch with the students.


Italian: Language classes across the levels!

Preps are learning numbers and colours through stories.

Click on the link below and enjoy Storytime as a family before bed.  Learn Italian with your little teacher at home.

Sogni d oro

Year 1/2

Numeracy learning in the Italian classroom

 This allows the children to express their numeracy skills through a different language.  The 1/2 children have been learning the numbers and completing mathematical equations in Italian. Little Italian mathematicians!!!


Year 3/4

The students in Year 3/4 are learning the parts of the body in the target language. This will lead to creating a monster and describing the construction of the body of a monster. 


Year 5/6

The students in 5/6 are focusing on Italian grammar, dictation, and reading comprehension activities.  Getting ready for next year

The students are also working on their amazing Stop Motions.  Not long to go now! Fantastic, creative work in the language classroom by all the students. 


Senior Yard Sandbox

There has been some serious sandcastle construction happening in the senior yard sandbox. If anyone remembers the old table top game from the the 1980s, Crossbows and Catapults, well then all this work was for a result much like that game!! It's great seeing the students using their imaginations and creativity as well as working and playing cooperatively.