Around the School

PDHPE Update


Late last term our two HSC PDHPE classes set off on their camp to Melbourne and Ballarat to consolidate on the units covered over the previous nine months. 


First stop was Ikon Park, the home of the Carlton Football Club. Unfortunately, the players had just begun their holidays and were enjoying four days away from the club. This allowed us greater access to their facilities where we got to witness firsthand the environment that elite athletes have access to. This included their hot and cold pool room with sauna, gym, modified indoor football field, nutrition station and of course the Ikon Park oval. 


We then walked to Melbourne University where we attended the Harry Brookes Allen Museum of Anatomy and Pathology. And what a great eye opener this was. This museum gave us a great insight to the human body. We were able to view hundreds upon hundreds of artefacts within the human body. This including viewing various body parts riddled with cancer, a liver with cirrhosis, the spinal cord, nervous system, muscular and skeletal systems, joint replacements, and a foot with gangrene among many others. 


We then set off to Ballarat where we braved the cold and spent the night here ready for the following days adventures. We started off the morning by attending the RAD Centre which is a strength and condition centre that works with amateur and elite athletes across Australia. Here we learnt the importance of specialised training programs and recovery and rehabilitation. 


We then made our way to our final stop which was at Federation University. Jake completed VO2 max testing on the bike, his results were the highest achieved this year with a score of 62 which is right up there with elite athletes! Tanesha bravely volunteered to complete the Wingate test which is a measure of anaerobic capacity. This involves 30 seconds of maximal effort on a bike where her output is compared and measured over this time period. 


We then completed some biomechanical testing. This involved testing our muscular strength using a force plate, unfortunately the students couldn’t match the strength of Ms Thompson and Mr McMahon. We also completed a timed 20minute sprint with a weight attached. This activity helps runners with their posture and action which in turn improves performance. And lastly, we used a speed gun to measure the speed of an overarm throw. Seamus volunteered to have his technique critiqued using video analysis. We were able to provide feedback to Seamus after watching slow mo footage to improve his performance. This exercise provided us with a glimpse into the technological advancements available at the elite level, enabling athletes to reach their full potential.


Thanks to Ms Thompson and Mr McMahon for organising. We are sure that the excursion will benefit our knowledge and understanding of these concepts come exam time.   




The Year 10 students have just wrapped up their croquet unit for PASS. Students spent time at Rich River Golf Club where members of the croquet club gave up their time to teach them the skills of the sport. The croquet club has kindly invited parents and students to attend their facilities on any Sunday at 1pm to participate in their croquet tournament.