Primary School

We would like to welcome everyone back to Term 3 and we hope that everyone enjoyed the change in routine these past two weeks have offered. We would like to extend a special welcome to all our new students and their families who started with us either throughout Term 2; Isobel, Katie and Lulu or at the start of this term; Georgia, Paddy, Maya and Mahli. It was great to welcome our students back on Tuesday morning and we had the pleasure of talking to many students who happily shared their holiday adventures with us. 


Primary AFL Boys Competition

On 22 June, a select group of Year 5 and Year 6 students went to the Interschool Football Tournament at the Jack Eddy Oval. It was an incredible experience. We finished third overall, which we were super happy about considering we were met by some tough competition. We had a pretty strong team and managed to win all our games, except against St. Mary’s School and Echuca Primary School. 

In the finals, Echuca Primary School faced St. Mary’s School, whilst we played and competed against Rochester Primary School for third place. We were pleased to win this important game which placed us third overall. It was a really fun day out, and all of the Year 6 students were somewhat devastated that we won't get to compete for the Primary School again. We have high hopes for the MAG football teams in the future. Thank you to Mr Harris for coaching our team and being so supportive.

By Nate and Jed



Year 3 Deep Learning Safari

Year 3 students were given a choice around a critically endangered animal to research. They used digital technologies to build their understanding of their animal, its habitat and why their animal is endangered. Students then had to present their findings by using a website made using Google Sites. In addition to this factual information, students were further challenged to propose ways in which people could help to ensure the survival of their species. Students also created a three-dimensional model of their chosen animal utilising only recycled materials found in the home. On Thursday 22 June The Primary School and parents visited the Year 3 classrooms to view these special creatures and ask interesting questions to the Year 3 students.


Year 4 Deep Learning Showcase

At the conclusion of Term 3, students in Year 4 had the exciting opportunity to share their Deep Learning and Mathematical journey with the community. Leveraging the construction of the Dhungala Bridge crossing, students delved into a variety of aspects associated with the design and construction process. They considered practical considerations such as material costs, the durability of their design, and the ability to work as a team in order to construct a miniature-scale bridge and presentation of their journey. By employing critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration, students laid a strong foundation, enriching the Mathematics curriculum in areas such as Number & Algebra and Measurement & Geometry.



The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) English, Mathematics or Science Competitions are being held later this term and students from Year 2 - Year 10 are invited to participate. These competitions are by nature designed to test and challenge students whose academic ability lies in the top 10% of their school cohort.


Participation in these competitions is on an 'opt-in' basis at Moama Anglican Grammar. Parents will pay for their child/ren to sit the tests. If you would like to enrol your child/ren, please follow the link below and make a payment, each test is $19.25. 

Access details to register your child can be found below:

School access code:  DGQ559

Parent page link:


Sitting dates for each of the competitionsClosing Date for Parents to Purchase via Parent Payment System
Week 6 English 14 August Closing date Monday 31st July
Week 7 Science 22 AugustClosing date Monday 31st July
Week 8 Mathematics 28 AugustClosing date Monday 31st July


K-2 Stage Assembly

This week 1A hosted our K-2 Stage Assembly. The class presented their NAIDOC artwork and spoke about NAIDOC week. It was great to see the confidence of those that spoke in front of their peers. We also welcomed back the K-2 students from their holidays.


Mrs Jodie Sly presented certificates to the students in one of her MiniLit Sage intervention groups as they completed Part A of the program. We are all extremely proud of the students for their hard work and determination and it was great to celebrate their success.


We also presented our Superstar Awards and celebrated the success these students have experienced in their learning.


KindergartenYear 1Year 2
Gus GuinanJames WoodFinley Bachelor
Astrid KimberlinCooper BlightMolly Mitchell (absent from photo)
Amaylia CoburnLogan McMasterMea Whitelegg
 Hamish CainBrooklyn Gunn
 Alex Lindberg 


Year 1C Spelling Champions

We had the pleasure of 1C visiting us in the Primary School office to show off their amazing spelling work. Through the InitiaLit program, students have been exploring different suffixes; s, ed, ing and er. Students have been learning about different spelling rules relating to these word endings, and today they were excited to share their learning with us both. Mrs Ripon was very happy with the ‘gold star’ she received after all her hard work.


Year 5 Camp 

The Year 5 students have once again embarked on their annual camp to Sovereign Hill. Our first day started with morning tea at Lake Weroona in Bendigo followed by lunch in Ballarat. Students then attended four informative sessions at the Eureka Centre where they learnt about the events leading up to the Eureka Stockade. The original Eureka Flag was an impressive sight as it is extremely large in real life! After this we headed to our accommodation at Sovereign Hill. We unpacked our rooms and headed to dinner in preparation for the Aura Light Show. This impressive production outlines the history of gold, and what life was like on the goldfields from Indigenous, European and Chinese perspectives.


On days 2 and 3, students were involved in Costume School where they dressed up and experienced what life was like for students living on the diggings in the 1850’s. A variety of “old time” games such as skipping, horseshoe throwing and the cup and ball were on offer to play with at recess and lunch. Learning how to write with a pen and ink was a tricky task for some; however, students persisted much to the pleasure of “Ma’am” our school teacher. A tour of the diggings demonstrated how tough life would have been on the goldfields with many people living in canvas tents and never actually striking it rich. Students had an impressive and immersive experience at Sovereign Hill which is a great lead into our History unit in Year 5 for this term. 


Primary Parent-Teacher Interviews

The Primary School Term 3 Parent/Teacher Interviews will be conducted on:

Wednesday 26 July from 3:30 - 5:30pm

Thursday 27 July from 3:30 - 7:00pm


Parents have the opportunity to meet with their child’s classroom teacher on either day and with their child’s specialist teachers on Thursday only. Interviews are set for 12 minutes and take place in your child’s classroom. Interviews with specialist teachers are scheduled in the Multi-Purpose Hall.

If you or the class teachers believe a longer time session is required, then this needs to be booked directly with the class teacher and will be outside of the advertised Parent/Teacher times.


The online booking via the PC Spider Parent Portal will open on Monday 17 July and close on Monday 24 July at 1:00pm.


Scholastic Book Fair



Similarly to last year, the Book Fair will run simultaneously with the Parent-Teacher Interviews. Leading up to the event, students will have an opportunity to visit the Book Fair, located in the Dance Studio (Multi-Purpose Hall) with their class group during the school day, at recess and lunchtime. Families are invited to visit the Book Fair before or after their scheduled interviews. Opening hours are:

Wednesday 26 July from 3:05pm to 5:30pm

Thursday 27 July from 3:05pm to 7:00pm 

We are looking for registered volunteers to support this great fundraiser for the school. If you are interested, please contact the Primary Office to register.


Upcoming Events

18/07/23              Girls AFL Football

21/07/23              Primary Assembly; Year 5 Performance

26/07/23              Book Fair 

26/07/23              Parent/Teacher Interviews

27/07/23              Parent/Teacher Interviews

28/07/23              100 Days of Kinder Celebrations

01/08/23              RAS Athletics (selected students only)

04/08/23              Primary Chapel Service


Kind Regards,


Nici Deller                                                      Mel Scott

Head of Primary                                          Head of Teaching and Learning Primary