
Over the last two weeks the Year Prep and 1 students have explored what happens to their bodies when they are angry and calm. They practiced breathing techniques to stay calm and help make good decisions.

The Wellbeing puppets Kevin and Tango entertained the students with some funny skits about needs and wants. The students were all able to sort items into needs (sleep, water, food, shelter, clothing,) and wants (ipad, toys, chair, book etc). They were very excited to create their sleeping bunny so please be sure to ask your child about some of the benefits of sleep!


Year 2 to 6 students have been working on resolving problems both in the physical and written sense. They have loved participating in small group and whole class problem solving activities where clear communication, encouragement, persistence, and patience were key requirements to their successes. Great cheering was heard when the classes achieved their tasks of unravelling the human knot and the ball challenge! 

The Year 2 to 6 students have studied scenarios and used the Roads and Roundabout strategy to come up with plausible solutions to these scenarios. This proved to be a valuable exercise with lots of discussion on the best solution for each scenario. The students are looking forward to using ICT to present their own personal problems and solutions.