2024 Foundation

For families with children starting Foundation in 2024

Transition times for 2024 enrolments


Please note the sessions for 2024 Foundation enrolments are as followed. 

We strongly encourage all newly enrolled Foundation students to attend these sessions.

Please bring a named hat and a drink bottle.

  1. Friday 20th October: 09:30 am - 10:30 am
  2. Friday 3rd November: 09:30 am - 10:30 am
  3. Friday 17th November: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
  4. Tuesday 5th December: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

School hours 

Students attend classes from 9 am until 3.30 pm, Monday to Friday ( remembering that Foundation students have testing on Wednesdays in Term 1, week 6 ) Victorian School Term dates. 


Teachers are on duty from 8:45 a.m., so students are permitted on school grounds from that time. Students are not permitted to play, or be on the grounds unsupervised,  before this time. Teachers are on duty until 3:45 pm, and students are again not allowed to be unsupervised on the grounds.


THEIR CARE offers before and after school care on the grounds, if you need assistance with supervision before and after school times.


During the year, there will be a small number of student-free days where teachers and staff will attend training, PD or planning days. THEIR CARE will also operate on the majority of these days. As soon as the dates are approved, we communicate them with the community ( Compass, newsletter and electronic board).


On the last day of a school term, students are dismissed at 2.30 p.m., and in Term 4, for the end of the year, it is 1.30 p.m.


If you have another person who is not in your emergency contacts who will regularly pick up your child, please complete the appropriate form found on the Handy links page, or on the 'forms and notices' section of the school website.


If you need to contact or speak to a teacher, please email through Compass to organise a time. You can also call the office and we can pass a message on. We try and keep the start of the day clear to allow for a smooth transition into classrooms, which then makes a wonderful way start to each day. 


Rolls are marked twice a day in accordance with Department of Education regulations. If your child is absent, and you have not entered a reason in Compass, it is considered 'unexplained' and you will receive an automated text. 

Please enter all absences in Compass, including upcoming appointments. We ask that were possible, they be made out of school hours to keep disruptions to a minimum.


Have a discussion about what works for your family and child - where are you going to meet, what is your plan if you are running late, and how will you say goodbye and leave to have a great day? A small walk to the car is a great opportunity to chat about the day, and give focused time. 


We encourage all families to consider where they park, respect our neighbours, and obey all local road rules. Council officers regularly monitor the zoned areas, and road signs to ensure no infringements occur.