Library News

CBCA Book Week August 28th- Sept 1st
Kalinda will be celebrating Book Week in week 8 of Term 3, just as we head into spring. It’s the perfect time to celebrate how reading can inspire us and help us grow, the theme of Book Week this year!
The week will include a special Book Week performance for all year levels, our fabulous Book Week costume parade, and the announcement of the winners of the CBCA books of the year!
We want your books!
Kids outgrown their books? Or never really got into that series that cost a fortune? Are your shelves overflowing? And are the books in excellent, near new, or new condition?
If so, we’d love to take them off your hands. We want every classroom at Kalinda to be super well-stocked with amazing books in their class libraries, so we’re asking for donations of any of the following, in excellent condition (and suitable for kids!):
- Chapter books
- Chapter book series
- ‘How-to’ books and magazines (eg. cookbooks, drawing books, coding books)
Scholastic Book Club
2023 Book Club due dates: (please note that these dates are subject to change)
Issue 6 – 31st August
Issue 7 – 21st October
Issue 8 –29th November
Martina Medica,
Kalinda Library