"Many Wolves .... One Pack"

Term 3 - Week 4

Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s 6 Up’s are part of St Nicholas’ everyday language. Everytime our Year 6 students enter their learning spaces, they are reminded of the 6 Ups and some basic principles that lead to success.

Each of the 6 Up’s (Show up, Speak up, Look up, Team up, Never give up and Lift others up) have played a significant part in developing the St Nicholas culture we are proud of.


Today I would like to present you some data on the first, and arguably the most important of the 6 Ups: SHOW UP. The correlation between showing up and our 2023 NAPLAN results is startling.


In the tables below I have separated St Nicholas students whose 2022 attendance rate (Year 2 2022 and Year 4 2022) was between 90-100% with those students whose attendance rate was less than 90%. Below 90% equates to students on average missing at least one day every fortnight.


Over the five Naplan Tests, the Year 3 students who were here for at least 90% of the school days in 2022 averaged an additional

69 Marks


Over the five Naplan Tests, the Year 3 students who were here for at least 90% of the school days in 2022 averaged an additional

75 Marks


One of the most powerful ways our parents can support their child’s education is to ensure they are present at school each day.


Have a great week,


John Clery
