Learning and Teaching

Book Week 19th - 25th August

Book Week is a time when we celebrate children's books, authors and illustrators. This year Book Week will be held from 19th - 25th August and the theme is Read, Grow, Inspire.  


We will be celebrating this special week with following whole school events;


Monday 21 August  - Dress Up Day, Parade & STM Book Week Book Swap

Our celebrations will start with a dress up day. Come dressed as your favourite book, character, author or illustrator. The parade will start at 9:00 am with the location being decided closer to the day to accommodate the weather. Parents and carers are welcome to join in the festivities, and younger siblings and toddlers can join in the dress up celebration and parade too.


STM Book Week Book Swap - details below


Wednesday 23 August - STM Book Week Book Swap


Thursday 24 August - Author Visit

Australian award-winning children's author, Kim Kane, will be visiting our school to speak to the students about her experiences as an author, and share her writing knowledge and expertise. Kim has written many children's books such as the Ginger Green series, The Unexpected Crocodile, Pip and the Story of Olive, Esther's Rainbow, Family Forest and When the Lyrebird Calls to name a few.



Friday 25 August - Our third and final STM Book Week Book Swap


How will the STM Book Week Book Swap work?

Are you a lover of stories? Is your nose often buried inside the pages of a book? Or, are you always on the hunt for your next adventure, or maybe a collector of facts and knowledge? Then the STM Book Week Book Swap might be the place for you!


Our school library will be open for the first half of lunch on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during Book Week for any students, family members or teachers to come and swap a loved, treasured or favoured book. Please ensure that all books are in good condition, no torn covers or pages, or artistic drawings inside! Come along and connect with other book lovers... you never know, you may find your next treasured story.


