Year 3 Term 3 Overviews

Year 3 Term 3 Overview
We can’t believe it is term 3 already! The term has started on a really positive note with parent teacher interviews. This was a great chance to have a conversation and celebrate some amazing achievements and we will continue to work together to develop strong relationships with your child to understand and support their social, emotional and academic learning strengths and needs. We appreciate the support you are giving your children with their nightly reading and diary entries, weekly homework tasks and goal practise.
In Reading, students are exploring non-fiction text structure and features. This includes main idea, supporting detail, vocabulary and text features. They will have opportunities to dig deep into weekly mentor texts, guided reading and reciprocol teaching texts and examples of non-fiction texts from our school and class libraries. They will learn to make predictions, clarify words and phrases, ask text related questions and summarise key ideas and messages in the texts they are reading.
In Writing, students are continuing to develop their SMART spelling routine, investigating and practising the weekly spelling pattern. They are writing a range of information texts, including an autobiography and information report. These will build their skills using the writing process, (plan, draft, revise, edit and publish). Students are using their writer’s notebooks to collect and develop seed ideas and research questions to guide thier writing.
In Maths,
Students are currently investigating the concept of fractions, then we will begin to focus on time. Students will be telling time to the minute and investigating the relationship between units of time, converting between units of time and solving simple time problems.
Later in the term, students will be working on money and financial maths where they will represent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions. Student will then explore 2D shapes whilst they identify and discribe slides and turns found in the natural and built environment.
Multiplicative thinking is continuing to be taught to students throughout the duration of the year as it is considered ‘a big idea’ in years 3 and 4. They are engaging in maths games to practise strategies during regular Number Sense Workshops in order to deepen recall of multiplication facts of two, three, five, ten and beyond and their related division facts. Students are continuing to build their Maths reasoning through weekly opportunities to solve real life worded maths problems using efficient and creative mental, written and representational strategies, such as drawing diagrams and tables and making models and writing number sentences (equations).
Throughout Term 3 our Social and Emotional learning will focus on understanding the construct of personal identities are influenced by our interests, passions and strengths. They will explore representations of gender in familiar literature and media.
Students will be investigating the driving question, ‘How does the environment support and sustain life and what are our responsibilities?’ during our Geography focused unit of inquiry. We began this unit with unpacking the guiding question and what this could mean.
Homework: Weekly homework tasks will be posted on SeeSaw for students complete. This include, reading, writing, maths, Inquiry, SEL and Specialists tasks. Extra DOJO point are rewarded for regular and expected completion of homework on a weekly basis. We thank you for your continuing support with this.
General Reminders:
• Please ensure that your child is at school and ready to learn at 8:40am.
• Please check Compass daily, as these will be the main portals that we (the teachers) and the school will communicate information to you. Compass is also the place where you will be able to access your child’s goals and achievements.
These will be released every five weeks and will tell you what your child has achieved in Reading, Writing, Numeracy and Inquiry/Social, as well as their next steps (goals).
• Reading goal during this current cycle is for ALL students to: build stamina for reading by continuing regular routines outside of the classroom. Students are expected to read at home at least 4-5 times each week and independently write purposeful responses in their green home reading diary after each home reading session.
Students will transport books from school to home and back each day in their satchels. Each morning, readers will be exchanged from the take home reader boxes in classrooms. Your child's teacher will have a day in which all Green Home Reading Diaries need to be handed in so they can view, record and provide feedback on students’ nightly reading.
•Learning apps, SeeSaw, Wushka, Reading Eggs and Mathletics are being accessed by students. The safest place for login details is in Green Home Reading Diaries and we recommend that families take a pic of their child’s login details and store in phones as a backup.
Kind Regards,
The 2023 Year 3 Team
3A Meg, 3B Arline, 3C Jaxon, 3D Johnno, 3E Jake, 3F Gaye, 3G Alex, 3H Amber