Courage at Kilbreda


Kilbreda College is a community connected by courage.  We seek to be people of integrity and positive influence, who have the courage to speak the truth and the energy to act for change.  In our classrooms, our students are encouraged to have the courage to be bold, to inquire, to question, to learn and contribute. This is best reflected in our Harmony Week celebrations and our Year 9 Bridges classrooms where our Kildare Ministries Living Justice, Living Peace charter has challenged our students to ask difficult questions about the nature of society and its underlying assumptions. 


As part of Harmony Week celebrations we acknowledged the diverse nationalities that make up our community.
As part of Harmony Week celebrations we acknowledged the diverse nationalities that make up our community.


The courage to create hope has been a key focus of our student leadership teams in 2023, in particular for our Community Action Group who have designed a number of different initiatives such as ‘Love Kilbreda Day’ to strengthen our relationships with one another, relationships marked by trust and respect, which give us the freedom and courage to be our own natural selves.  A highlight of Term 2 was the re-introduction of the Kilbreda Performing Arts Festival.  Over a 10-day period, we marvelled at the incredible talent, dedication and creativity displayed by our performing arts students as they courageously stepped out of their comfort zone and delivered showstopping performances.


Year 12 students celebrating “Love Kilbreda” Day – a student lead initiative that seeks to empower students to love themselves and one another.
Year 12 VM students supporting Fareshare which is a charity that targets hunger and improving community health.
Year 12 students celebrating “Love Kilbreda” Day – a student lead initiative that seeks to empower students to love themselves and one another.
Year 12 VM students supporting Fareshare which is a charity that targets hunger and improving community health.


This mural was created by our Year 9 students in collaboration with Aboriginal elder Aunty Aurora, as part of their Year 9 “Bridges to Country” unit.
This mural was created by our Year 9 students in collaboration with Aboriginal elder Aunty Aurora, as part of their Year 9 “Bridges to Country” unit.

At Kilbreda College, an enduring legacy of supporting marginalised communities and people around the world guides us and animates us to action.  In 2023, our Living Justice leaders facilitated several initiatives during Reconciliation week and Refugee week that encouraged us to be agents of change, seeking to make a discernible difference to those around them.  Our Reconciliation Week liturgy provided us with the opportunity to join hands with the rest of the nation in acknowledging the importance of reconciliation and our students embraced the theme of “Be a voice for generations,” to produce a wonderful Bunjil art display.  As part of Refugee Week our Year 9 students reflected on the 2023 theme of ‘Finding freedom’ and students and staff participated in the Ration Challenge, raising $8310 for ‘Act for Peace,’ by promoting the importance of working for justice for all people. 


A unified approach to climate change and the importance of advocating for ecological justice has been a key priority this year.  Pope Francis asserts in Laudato Si, “All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents.”  Equipped with the knowledge that small acts, lead to big impacts, our sustainability group has worked tirelessly both within Kilbreda College and the wider school community to make many impactful ecological changes.  For example, our sustainability group has implemented initiatives such as a waste audit, the preparation of educative waste management material, plastic free July, and a clothes swap.  Together, we are finding ways to reduce, regenerate, reuse and recycle.